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Healy, Edward ("Ted"), b. 1934
Healy studied at Royal Melbourne Technical College, Victoria in industrial design, then worked as a designer for A.G. Healing Australia then as a designer Crown ...
Heap, Amy Elizabeth, b. 1874
Painter, illustrator, craftworker, photographer and commercial artist. During WWI and into the mid 1930's, Heap worked as a photographer and illustrator for Western Australian Newspapers.
Hearn, Ernest
Ernest was the son of Walter Vincent Hearn, cabinetmaker/chair maker. He founded the furniture firm Hearnstead with twin brother Harry. The firm was known as ...
Hearn, Harry, b. 1890
Harry was the son of Walter Vincent Hearn, cabinetmaker/chair maker. He founded the furniture firm Hearnstead with twin brother Ernest and became Life Governor and ...
Hearn, Ray, b. 1943
add ref for MA
Professional photographer, advertised 'photographic portraits' in the Yass Courier (NSW) in 1858.
Heath, William, b. 1795
English cartoonist who satirised the convict transportation system and the Swan River settlement (Perth).
Heath, Barbara
Heath is a jeweller who trained at RMIT and as an apprentice in Melbourne, later establishing a studio in Bondi, NSW, then in a Brisbane ...
Heathcote, Rex, b. 1954
Heathcote is a furniture designer and maker trading as Rex Heathcote Furniture based in Launceston. He also manufactures furniture from other designers under license including ...
Heawood, Thomas
Possibly an engraver, listed as the artist of the engraving View from the Top of Grose Head c. 1874 held at the National Library of ...