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Matterson, Neil, b. 1951
Contemporary Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane newspaper cartoonist. Creator of the daily strip cartoon 'St Pips' (later 'The Shambles').
Matthew, Gillian
Matthew studied at the Caulfield Institute of Technology, Melbourne and works as a graphic artist.
Matthews, John M.
Colonial male artist whose drawings, oils and watercolours of NSW landscapes have been considered naive.
Matthews, Howard
Mathews began his exhibition career in Melbourne at Riddell's Art Gallery as early as 1939 following study at the National Gallery School. He continued to ...
Mattinson, Lance, b. 1892
Early 20th century Perth, London and Sydney cartoonist. Mattinson was art editor of the AIF paper 'Aussie' (1918-19), published in France.
Matves, Gabrielle
Matves is identified as a designer and gallery manager (Princes Gallery, Melbourne) in Nanette Carter & Robyn Oswald-Jacobs. Frances Burke, Designer of Modern Textiles. Melbourne ...
Matwiejew, Magda, b. 1956
A digital media and film artist, Magda Matwiejew studied Fine Art at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Represented in a number of major collections, ...
Maudson is the lithographed signature on a Qantas Super Service at Your Command poster, ca.1954. No further details.
Maughan, Jack, b. 1897
Maughan was a painter, cartoonist, commercial artist, clerk, theatrical designer and producer. Reproductions of anti-war images by Otto Dix and George Grosz had a deep ...
Mault, Patty, b. 1850
Colonial female lace-maker whose Gothic revival style and Celtic interlacing title pages illuminated the names of Queen Victoria and Lady Smith, before bringing the Tasmanian ...
Maund, John Williams, b. 1876
John Maund (1876-1962) was a Sydney based watercolourist, arts administrator, solicitor and art collector.
Tasmanian colonial art teacher who exhibited everyone else's work except his own and taught chemistry and mineralogy to pay for the space.
Mauro-Flude, Nancy, b. 1975
Nancy Mauro-Flude is a performance artist. Her artistic work is heavily influenced by arcane practices, theatre and computer culture.