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Art student, exhibited watercolours of wildflowers and birds in the Agricultural Society of New South Wale's Metropolitan Intercolonial Exhibition in 1875 as an art student.
McPherson, Rae Amelia, b.
Commercial artist and illustrator. She also became a noted miniaturist. Harris became a member of the Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers, of ...
Portrait painter, was catalogued as the artist who did a portrait of a lady in the first exhibition of the Society for the Promotion of ...
McRae, Alex
Mid 20th century Sydney [and/or?] Adelaide cartoonist. 'McRae', a cartoonist on the Adelaide Mail during WWII, was presumably Alex McRae.
McRea, Donald
Professional photographer, was advertising at Echuca in 1899.
McSwain, Heather, b. 1921
Heather McSwain was a potter. She was aware of international trends and historic work but as an artist/designer-potter strove for individuality.