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Muskett, Alice Jane, b. 1869
Federation era painter, illustrator and author. Residing for most of her life in Sydney, she was internationally exhibited.
Mussell, Thomas
Thomas Mussell was a sketcher and chemist. He came to Victoria in the early 1850s in search of gold.
Mussett, Gerry
Mussett is a designer working in a number of consumer products group practices such as DesignLab and Form Australia. He was active in the RMIT ...
Mutji, Michael Tjangala, b. 1940
Kukatja speaker of Balgo Hill and a committed artist of Warlayirti Artists. He was the head of a household of Balgo painters.
Mutton, Katy, b. 1975
b. Canberra 1975. Drawing, painting, printmaking, installation.
Myers, Edward
Illuminator, engrosser and clerk, Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart Town. Myers designed, executed and signed what is thought to be the earliest surviving illuminated address in ...
Myers, Henry
Professional photographer from Melbourne. He was listed in Melbourne Directory for 1863.
Ménard, Romuald Georges
Naval artist, was draughtsman on board the 1836-39 Venus expedition to the South Pacific, commanded by Captain Abel Aubert du Petit-Thouars and ordered by King ...
Müller, G.
G. Müller was an engraver and die-sinker. In 1852 Müller was awarded a first-class certificate and gold medal for the best specimen of engraving on ...
Müller, Heinrich
Professional photographer, came to Sydney in 1853. He became acquainted with the successful gold-miner and patron of photography B.O. Holtermann.
Müller, Thomas
Professional photographer and sketcher (?). He was probably the Thomas Muhler who drew a pen-and-ink sketch of Abbotsford, Victoria, entitled 'Yarra Yarra 20th Apr. 1855'.