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Nanyuma, Rosie Naparrula, b. 1940
Kukatja artist who started painting Tingari stories on canvas for Warlayirti Artists in 1989.
Napaljarri, Dora, b.
Warlpiri artist who lives at Willowra (NT).
Napaljarri, Lady, b.
Warlpiri/Anmatyerre artist who began painting designs associated with her traditional country, Willowra (NT).
Napaljarri, Likirriya, b. 1925
Warlpiri artist who was a senior member of the Lajamanu community.
Napaljarri, Lizzie, b.
Warlpiri artist from Lajamanu, who was married to Jacko Jagamarra.
Napaljarri, Melody, b. 1967
Luritja artist whose heritage country is Mt Wedge. She paints Kerrinyarra (Mt Wedge) Dreaming, also Bush Potato, Bush Onion, Corroboree and Honey Ant Dreamings. She ...
Napaljarri, Ruth, b. 1940
One of the group of senior women at Yuendumu whose large collaborative paintings first drew attention to the painting enterprise and helped establish Warlukurlangu Artists.
Napaljarri, Walker Judy, b.
Warlpiri artist who lives at Lajamanu (NT). One of her works was hung in the local school.
Napaltjarri, Milliga, b. 1920
A Kukatja artist who began painting for Warlayirti Artists in 1989.
Napaltjarri, Jessie, b. 1950
Napperby artist. Her husband and sister are both painters.
Napaltjarri, Junabee, b. 1943
Pintupi artist who began painting for the Ikuntji Women's Centre at Haasts Bluff in 1992.
Napaltjarri, Kitty Pultara, b. 1925
Anmatyerre speaker (with Northern Arrente affiliations) and respected head woman from Napperby, where she has lived all her life. Her work has been widely exhibited ...
Napaltjarri, Rosalie, b. 1950
Rosalie Miller Jugadai Napaltjarri is the daughter of senior Papunya Tjupi artist Tilau Nangala, who taught her to paint.
Napanangka, Betty, b.
Warlpiri/Anmatyerre artist whose principal painting subjects are her Dreamings, Warlkilpirri and Malpa, Bush Beans. Life-long resident of Willowra, NT.
Napanangka, Eileen, b. 1957
Luritja artist born at Umbungurru, near Papunya, now living at Napperby with her in-laws.
Napanangka, Elma, b. 1950
Anmatyerre artist from Mt Allan (NT).
Napanangka, Gladys, b. 1930
Senior Luritja artist who lived in Papunya, she initially assisted her second husband, Johnny Warangkula, on his canvases. Her work is in the collection of ...
Napanangka, Minnie, b.
A Warlpiri speaker and senior women in the Willowra community. She paints a Cave story and Bush Onion, Bush Tomato and Bush Bean Dreamings.
Napanangka, Norah, b. 1945
Commenced painting in the 1980s on boards from the community store. She paints Dreaming designs inherited from her father and great great grandfather.
Napanangka, Topsy, b. 1924
Warlpiri artist who lived at Yuendumu. She collaborated with two other artists on "Bean Dreaming", 1985, now in the collection of the National Gallery of ...