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Nelson, Helen Napaljarri
A Warlpiri artist who lives at Yuendumu and has been exhibiting with Warlukurlangu Artists since the late '80s. She paints her Ngarlkirdi (Witchetty Grub) and ...
Nelson, Irma, b.
Warlpiri artist who lives at Lajamanu. She paints Yunkaranyi and Mardukiya-mardukiya Dreamings.
Nelson, John, b. 1825
Nelson was a landscape painter, schoolteacher and police clerk. He painted prolifically as he travelled throughout Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania.
Nelson, Jorna Napurrurla
A Warlpiri artist who lives at Yuendumu and has been exhibiting with Warlukurlangu Artists since the beginning of the '90s. She paints Yarla (Yam) and ...
Nelson, Daisy Napanangka, b. 1924
A senior Warlpiri artist who was at the forefront of the painting movement at Yuendumu in the early years. She has represented Warlukurlangu Artists in ...
Nelson, Frank Bronson Jakamarra, b. 1948
An artist who worked with his inherited Warlpiri Dreaming stories but also demonstrated an original intelligence in his bi-cultural paintings, one of which won the ...
Nelson, Geraldine Nakamarra, b. 1972
Anmatyerre artist who paints Bush seed (Ngurlu) and Honey Ant Dreamings. She has connections with Ali Curung, Willowra and Napperby communities. Her mother showed her ...
Nelson, Liddy Nakamarra, b. 1929
Resident of Lajamanu, where she started painting in 1986. Was previously married to Junti Japaljarri and is the sister of Michael Jagamara Nelson.
Nelson, Maudie Napanangka, b. 1960
Born on Aileron Station, she grew up in Alice Springs and started painting with the Jukurrpa group in 1989.
Nelson, Michael Jagamara, b. 1949
One of Australia's most celebrated Aboriginal artists who started painting for Papunya Tula Artists in 1983, and went on to achieve both national and international ...
Nelson, Norah Napaljarri, b. 1956
Warlpiri artist who was living at Yuendumu when she began painting in about 1987. She is renowned for her Milky Way paintings, produced with the ...
Nelson, Paddy Jupurrurla, b. 1919
A senior ceremonial and religious leader in the Yuendumu community, Paddy Nelson had been at the forefront of the Warlukurlangu art movement since its inception ...
Nelson, William
A photographer that was based in William Street Bathurst NSW between 1866-71. He exhibited works at the 1870 Sydney Intercolonial Exhibition.
Nelson, Simeon, b. 1964
Sculptor and installation artist, Simeon Nelson has been commissioned for a number of large public projects in Sydney including the redesign of Chifley Square (1995-97); ...
Nelson, Raymond, b. 1935
Irrunytju based senior Pitjantjatjara artist whose paintings often depict the two snake-men Dreaming stories of his country, around Pukara and Blackstone in WA.
Nelson, Rene, b. 1955
Pitjantjatjara artist and member of the Irrunytju community whose paintings often depict the rockholes to be found around her birthplace.
Nelson, Dennis, b. 1962
Dennis Nelson Tjakamarra, who paints for Papunya Tjupi Art Centre in Papunya, was taught by his father Johnny Warangkula Tjupurrula, one of the founders of ...
Nelson, Candy, b. 1964
Candy Nelson Nakamarra, who paints for Papunya Tjupi Art Centre in Papunya, is the daughter of Johnny Warangkula Tjupurrula, one of the founders of the ...