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Nelson, Jason, b. 1981
Jason Nelson is a digital poet and net artist
Nerli, Girolamo Pieri Ballatti, b. 1860
painter. Most of his works are represented by institutions in Australia, New Zealand, and Scotland.
Nerli, Marchese Girolomo, b. 1863
Itinerant artist, son of an Italian Marquis and an English mother he was born in Siena, studied art in Florence and arrived in Melbourne in ...
Ness, David, b.
Photographer who arrived in Melbourne in 1852. He was looked after by an acquaintance, Walter Woodbury assisting him with various things from 1 August 1855.
Ness, John, b.
Ness was a professional photographer and it is believed that he may be the architect 'David Ness' who had been taught photography by Walter Woodbury. ...
Ness, Peter, b. 1860
Peter Ness was a cabinet maker from South Australia.
Nessup, F.
Painter, did an oil painting of the interior of the old Maitland City Library in 1948.
Nettleton, Charles, b. 1825
A professional photographer, he is generally regarded as the major photographic recorder of Melbourne's growth from settlement to great city. Working as the official photographer ...
Netto, Vanila, b. 1963
Brazil-born photographer and installation artist Vanila Netto has been living and exhibiting in Australia since 1987. A four times finalist in the Helen Lempriere Travelling ...
An art student who studied under Charles Hill. Neville's drawing, Jeptha and his Daughter was included in a 1863 exhibition at the South Australia Society ...
Neville, E. H.
Sketched Tasmanian scenes that include Campbell Town, Hobart Town, rural areas and churches. He produced an album containing seventeen of his watercolour sketches.
Neville, George W., b. 1889
Painter and newspaper engraver, resident of Cheltenham, Victoria. Specialised in small decorative fan designs on silk inspired by Chinese art. Worked as a engraver at ...