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Popperwell, George, b. 1935
George Popperwell began his exhibiting career in London before making the move to Australia in 1977. At this time he took a post educating at ...
Porcelli, Pietro Giacomo, b. 1872
Italian-born sculptor who worked in stone, clay, plaster and marble and has a large body of public memorial sculpture to his name.
Porcher, Edwin Augustus
Edwin Augustus Porcher was a sketcher and naval officer. He was scientific observer and unofficial artist aboard the Royal Navy's corvette Fly which, with the ...
Pornett, Muriel, b. 1894
Painter and illustrator in watercolour and pencil. She drew sentimental Aboriginal figures for her children's book, Mia Mia Mites, in 1919.
Port, Elsie M.
Associated with the West Australian Society of Arts (1908-1913). Her further career is not known.
Port Jackson Painter,
The 'Port Jackson Painter' is the name now used for an unidentified painter (or painters) - the most prolific of the First Fleet artists - ...
Porter, Carol, b. 1948
Contemporary Melbourne political cartoonist and poster artist
Porter, Robert Field
A painter, shipowner and merchant, Porter settled down in New Zealand in 1841 after a brief stay in Australia. Exhibited with the Auckland Society of ...
Porter, Zoe
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Porter, Phoebe
Jeweller and cofounder, with Blanche Tilden, of the Melbourne-based 'Studio Hacienda'.
Porter Brothers,
The Porter Brothers were professional photographers in Sydney.
Possum, Michelle Nungurrayi, b. 1970
Younger daughter of the renowned desert artist, Clifford Possum, who taught her to paint in the mid 1980s. She paints women's stories associated with the ...