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Roberts was a prolific professional photographer in the 1860s.
Roberts, Charles Harry
Charles Harry Roberts was not only an army officer but also a prolific sketcher.
Roberts, Dora
Dora Roberts was a painter in the early 20th century who worked in Victoria.
Roberts, Dorothy
Dorothy Roberts was one of the winners of the Australian Women Artists competition held in the annexe to the South Australian Court at the Franco-British ...
Roberts, George, b. 1800
George Roberts was a prolific scene-painter. When Sydney's new Prince of Wales Theatre was opened in 1855, the Illustrated Sydney News reported that "the credit ...
Roberts, Henry, b. 1757
Henry Roberts, British naval officer and topographical artist, was described by Lieutenant John Gore as "most certainly a very Deserving young Man".
Roberts, Hera, b. 1892
A flamboyantly stylish and well known designer working in the bold modernist style of the 1920s and 1930s. Very much part of the Sydney social ...
Roberts, Jane
Jane Roberts was a talented sketcher and author. The second edition of her book 'Two Years at Sea: Being the Narrative of a Voyage to ...
Roberts, Jonah
Jonah Roberts was a professional photographer in the 1860s with a major basis in Victoria.
Roberts, Luke, b. 1952
Painter, photographer and performance artist, Luke Roberts was born in Alpha, QLD. He lives in Brisbane. The creator of the Mu Museum of Popular Art, ...
Roberts, Mary Ellen, b. 1866
A dressmaking and craft teacher vociferously committed to vocational training for women, Mary Roberts was a zealous teacher and curriculum designer at Sydney Technical College. ...
Roberts, Neil, b. 1954
Neil Roberts was a prominent sculptor, installation and glass artist who died tragically in 2002.
Roberts, Samuel H.
Teacher and designer Samuel H. Roberts was also Inspector of School of Design in Victoria as well as Honorary Corresponding Member, Society of Arts, London.
Roberts, Thomas
Thomas Roberts was a painter, art teacher and administrator. He made a portrait of Rev. Thomas Smith which Sydney Morning Herald described as, "painted in ...
Roberts, Victoria, b. 1957
Contemporary American-born-and-based, Australian-trained cartoonist and illustrator.
Roberts, William Francis
William Francis Roberts was a professional photographer who worked in Victoria and in New South Wales. In 1879 he was managing the City Photographic Company ...
Roberts, Roley, b. 1935
Pitjantjatjara artist from Irrunytju, WA, whose intricate and colourful paintings often depict the Kutjara Wati (Two Water Snake Men) Dreaming.
Roberts, Noeli, b. 1945
Irrunytju based Pitjantjatjara painter of Western desert tjukurpa who is also a film writer, director and producer and media broadcaster.
Roberts, Tjawina, b. 1940
Painter, carver and weaver of the Pitjantjatjara language and cultural group who is based in Irrunytju, where she is also a strong community leader and ...
Roberts, Bluey, b. 1948
Ngarrindjeri/Kokatha painter, emu egg carver and muralist who participated in the 'Tactility' exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia in 2003.