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Robertson, Ian, b. 1958
Poster "Accordion to Mao", 1982 by Robertson is known.
Robey, Elinor Josephine, b. 1885
Linor, as she was known, was a women of upright nature, and a passion for history. Born of a Quaker family, she studied both in ...
In 1867 Mr Robins painted a transparency to honour the Duke of Edinburgh's visit to Melbourne.
Robins, Jack, b. 1975
Jack Robins, mixed media artist, moved to Tasmania in 2005 to study sculpture at the University of Tasmania. His large, sculptural forms and gallery interventions ...
Robinson was sketcher in the 1820s. His watercolour drawing 'Convicts Making a Dam' is in the State Library of New South Wales collection, Sydney.
Robinson, Brian
Brian Robinson was born in 1974 and is an Indigenous artist, curator and arts administrator based in Queensland.
Robinson, Cheryl Moodai
Kooma artist, Cheryl Moodai Robinson was born in 1953 in Sydney, NSW. In 2000 she participated in the Mum Shirl Tribute Show at Boomalli Aboriginal ...
Robinson, Dorothy Napangardi, b.
Born at Yuendumu of the Warlpiri tribe, Dorothy Robinson Napangardi resides in Alice Springs and paints Karnta (Women's) Dreaming like her older sister Margaret Napangardi ...
Robinson, Francis Whitfield, b. 1819
After he received the recognition of a royal warrant, Robinson advertised as 'landscape photographer to his Royal Highness, Duke of Edinburgh'.
Robinson, George, b. 1791
A sketcher and a builder George Augustus Robinson was also Protector of Aborigines. He also offered religious succour to prisoners in gaol.