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Ross, Cyril
Cyril Ross was a painter. He served in the Australian Imperial Force in World War II. After the war Ross exhibited in the Claude Hotchin ...
Ross, Rebecca, b. 1977
Rebecca Ross' art practice spans installation, video, painting, sculpture, collage and weaving. She refers to her artworks as 'exercises in mapping'; these exercises are concerned ...
Ross, Jo
Central western NSW artist
Ross, Dagmar
Feminist film maker and video artist active since the 1970s
Rosselli, Luigi, b. 1957
Luigi Rosselli (1957–) is a Milan-born architect who designs prestigious residential and retail buildings and interiors. He established his practice in Sydney in 1985, after ...
Rosser, Joan
Contemporary cartoonist, Rosser has been contributing cartoons for the past two decades to a number of educational publications including the AEU News and The Queensland ...
Rossi, Daisy Mary, b. 1879
Daisy Mary Rossi was the first woman member of the Town Planning Board in Perth, WA. She made a number of interesting statements such as, ...
Rossiter, Joseph, b. 1840
Artist, engraver and drawing teacher. In 1880 Rossiter was at Trotter's High School in Fremantle.
Rossitto, Angela
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Rossler, Liane
Liane is an artist, designer, curator, and creative advisor on design, art and the environment. Recent work includes Superlocalstudio, Here and Now, Happy Talk and ...