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Russell, Jim, b. 1909
Prolific cartoonist: took over 'The Potts' from Stan Cross; created "Uncle Dick". In 1924 Jim Russell was one of the founders of the original Black ...
Russell, John Peter, b. 1858
Painter John Peter Russell spent three decades living and working in Europe where Vincent Van Gogh was a fellow student in Paris. With his extensive ...
Russell, Robert, b. 1808
Despite Russell's extensive work as a sketcher, amateur photographer, etcher, lithographer, carver, architect and surveyor, he is still better known for his work ethic and ...
Russell, Steven, b. 1957
Steven Russell, a Bidjigal weaver, drawer and painter is the son and great great grandson of La Perouse shellworkers Esme and Queen Emma Timbery. His ...
Russell, Virginia, b. 1943
Virginia Russell began photography while studying architecture in her native New Zealand. Upon relocating to Sydney in 1979, then Brisbane in 2006, she continued to ...
Russell, Stephen
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Russell, Anthony Keith Robin, b. 1929
Art educationist and industrial designer, he was to play a pivotal role in the development of design education in the Western Australia, and on a ...
Russell, Arthur Clarence, b. 1927
Russell studied at East Sydney Technical School under Godfrey Miller, John Passmore and Ralph Balson. He won the Rupert Boan Landscape Prize in 1961 and ...
Russell, Charles Robert Tylden RN, b. 1845
Commander in the Royal Navy and painter of seascapes who came to Western Australia and became harbour master at Fremantle.
Russell, Patrick
Russell was an illustrator for the advertising agency Ralph Blunden Pty Ltd. His work is illustrated in The Arts in Australia Series, "Commercial Art" written ...
Russell, Leisa
Leisa Russell is a Gold Coast based artist who works predominately as a sculptor. Her work deals with various concepts, mostly focusing on nature, fashion ...