by Mills, Wendy.
Coranderrk Street Pedestrian Bridge, Canberra. Commissioned by artsACT, ACT Govt. Four light boxes 480x85cm on bridge columns.
by Mills, Wendy.
Coranderrk Street Pedestrian Bridge, Canberra. Commissioned by artsACT, ACT Govt. Four light boxes 480x85cm on bridge columns.
by Fontaine, Anita, Pelletier, Mike.
CuteXdoom II is a game- modification and installation which is the second installment in the artists' CuteXdoom videogame series ...
by Conomos, John.
An homage to Nam June Paik TV Buddha series, this video sculpture represents Ned Kelly as Australia’s first ‘cyborg’ outlaw.
by Chang, Young-hae.
Dakota is inspired by a close reading of Ezra Pound's Cantos I and first part of II. d/Archive