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Graves, T.
1880s Tasmanian art student.
Gray, Charles, b. 1816
Sketched views of Schnapper Point with his wife who was also a talented artist.
Gray, Lucy, b. 1840
A sketcher and diarist, Lucy Gray lived in North Queensland after her marriage and kept an illustrated journal (1868-1872). She obviously intended it to be ...
Green, Annie Louisa, b. 1866
Growing up in a family who encouraged free, universal education, especially for women, Lou and her sister converted their family home into classrooms where they ...
Green, J. E.
Sketcher, showed two drawings at an exhibition in Victoria 1869.
Green, T. Charles
T. Charles Green (Theraza Green) was one of the stars of the Patchs drag show in the early 80s. Her great numbers were a mix ...
Gregory, Ina, b. 1874
Ina Gregory and her sister Ada both studied at the National Gallery School and were also associated with the artists' colony at Charterisville. She was ...
Gregory, Henry Gregory, b. 1813
Influential Colonial era Benedictine Abbot and amateur sketcher.
Greig, Edward Jukes, b. 1839
Colonial Victorian painter, cartoonist and illustrator.
Grey, George, b. 1812
Grey led disastrously unsuccessful expeditions in Western Australia but later served as governor of South Australia and New Zealand. His published journal (1841) was illustrated ...
Grey-Smith, Helen Dorothy, b.
Successful Western Australian textile artist, designer and painter (and husband of artist Guy Grey-Smith) whose clients included the Perth Council Chambers and the Reserve Bank ...
Griffin, Thomas, b. 1832
Griffin was a sketcher, policeman, gold commissioner and murderer. He married and deserted a wealthy widow in Victoria in 1857. In 1867 Griffin robbed the ...
Griffith, E.
E. Griffith was a sketcher. The artist's watercolour 'Border police, Australia Felix [Victoria]. Halt in a stringy bark forest. July, 1841' is in the Alexander ...
Griffiths, Frederick
Frederick (Fred) Griffiths was a sketcher and army lieutenant. A pencil drawing he produced in 1840 is at the Mitchell Library, State Library of New ...
Griffiths, Tom
Griva, Arvids
Arvids Griva was a Latvian born carpenter and builder who migrated to Australia after WW2. He later trained as a cabinetmaker and draftsman. He was ...
Grosse, E. M.
Late Colonial Sydney newspaper illustrator and caricaturist.
Grove, James, b. 1769
James Grove was a sketcher, engraver, carver and silversmith. He is credited with having made the earliest existing example of Australian silver, a small castor ...
Gunn, John
Sketcher, is attributed with the watercolour Pioneer Graves at Sorrento. A grandson of the convict shipwright Samuel Gunn.