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McClelland, Robert
A travelling photographer working in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland in the 1850s and 1860s.
McConnel, Ursula Hope, b. 1888
McConnel had a full academic career which involved research in both London and Australia. Yet despite publishing regular scholarly articles and receiving a Rockefeller Fellowship ...
McCormick, Robert, b. 1800
McCormick is neither remembered for his excellence in the navy nor blessed with a magnificent portfolio that might redeem his deficiencies in this area. Although ...
McDonald, Archibald, b. 1831
McDonald ran a successful photography business in Melbourne - shifting location every few years as partnerships changed or he outgrew his premises. He produced numerous ...
McDonald, Charles
Professional photographer and confectioner, was listed as such in Sands & McDougall's 'Melbourne Directory' for 1859.
McDonald, Donald
McDonald exhibited his photographs in several exhibitions, including the London International Exhibition, and worked as a professional photographer in Melbourne. One of his stand-out pictures ...
McGlashan, Alexander Seton, b. 1811
A professional photographer who worked with Octavius Hill of the famous Hill-Adamson calotype partnership in his native Scotland. There are only a few surviving prints ...
McIllree, Janice, b. 1935
McIllree began her career as a fashion model, turning to photography ca.1958 with a photographic studio in Flinders Lane, Melbourne. She and Helen Homewood (also ...
McRea, Donald
Professional photographer, was advertising at Echuca in 1899.
Professional photographer, Melchior worked in partnership with C. Grasshoff in Melbourne around 1853.
Merfield, Charles James , b. 1866
Charles James Merfield was an amateur and later professional astronomer with expertise in photography and film. He was active in photographic salons winning a gold ...
Merlin, Henry, b. 1830
Travelling photographer, scene-painter, architect, showman and actor. Merlin created painted and photographic 'panoramas', and extensively photographed the houses and public buildings of many regional areas ...
Metcalfe, Daniel F., b.
professional photographer, owned photographic galleries in Sydney and Brisbane and travelled through regional NSW.
Michaelis-Sachs, Margaret, b. 1902
professional photographer who also dabbled in painting and drawing later in her career, migrated to Australia from Europe, specialised in documentary photographs, portraiture and dance ...
Mierz, H. A.
Professional photographer, was listed in the Melbourne Directory as a 'daguerrean artist' and as an 'artist and photographer'.
Mildenhall, William James, b. 1891
Known as a photographer, Mildenhall worked as the Federal Capital Commission's information officer. His photographic work encompasses a variety of subjects ranging from architecture to ...