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Fernyhough, William Henry, b. 1809
Fernyhough produced silhouette portraits of Sydney personalities and of Aborigines. He is believed to have introduced zincography to New South Wales.
Fewson, Thomas, b. 1797
Captain Fewson's watercolour view of Kangaroo Island (1837) is the earliest surviving visual record of the first South Australian settlers' inhospitable landing place.
Ffarington, Richard Atherton, b. 1823
Ffarington recorded the natural world of Western Australia and its indigenous inhabitants while serving with the 51st Regiment in Western Australia bewteen 1843-47. His sketches ...
Fisher, Elizabeth, b. 1815
As Elizabeth Morphett, her pictures of a rose and a convolvulus were exhibited at the 1859 South Australian Society of Arts exhibition. They are presumed ...
A scene-painter and carpenter who painted the scenery for performances at the Theatre Royal in 1833 and who redecorated the auditorium of the Royal Victoria ...
A botanical painter whose watercolours of flowers are now in the Customs House Museum, Goondiwindi, Queensland. She was lost at sea returning to Ireland when ...
Fitzpatrick, Michael, b. 1816
Fitzpatrick contributed an untitled pen-and-ink drawing to the 1867 Paris Universal Exhibition but is thereafter thought that he only continued to sketch as a hobby. ...
Flavelle, John, b. 1816
Although he trained as an optician, John Flavelle apparently had the aptitude to earn his living as a photographer, watchmaker, jeweller and general importer. Flavelle ...
Fletcher, Mary Ann
An art and schoolteacher who advertised as a teacher for young ladies in Hobart and Launceston, offering private drawing lessons.
Fogg, Sarah Ann, b. 1829
Sarah Ann Fogg lived variously in Germany, Italy, South Africa and Tasmania and had many opportunities for studying the great Western works of Europe. It ...
A teacher who was offering classes in 'drawing and perspective' at her Bagdad Seminary, Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania), in 1845.
Fowles, Joseph, b. 1810
The indefatigable and versatile Joseph Fowles turned his hand to an eclectic range of occupations, with varying degrees of success, alongside his artistic endeavours. He ...
Frankland, George, b. 1800
Described by a contemporary as 'a gentleman of the highest talents but without one atom of common sense', Frankland took part in exploratory missions in ...
Fraser, Peter Gordon, b. 1808
Critics considered Fraser's work as proof of the healthy state of local art: 'If our amateurs can produce drawings of such feeling and such skill...we ...
Freycinet, Louis-Claude de Saulces de, b. 1779
French draughtsman, cartographic surveyor and naturalist, Freycinet's atlases document many Australian subjects including early architectural drawings of Sydney Barracks.
Frome, Edward Charles, b. 1802
A skilled amateur artist, Frome used his talents to create a career as a painter. His works portrayed the country as inherently beautiful and are ...
Fyans, Foster, b. 1790
Although known more for his eccentricities and lively memoirs than his art, Fyans was a sophisticated watercolourist. He is known for a fine picture of ...
Galbraith, William, b. 1822
Starting their business with a single lithographic press, the partnership Penman & Galbraith became South Australia's longest-running and most important art-printing establishment.
Gardner, William, b. 1802
Although his naive images suggest that he was more at ease with his quill than with a brush, Gardner's sketches of landscapes, Aboriginal customs, weapons ...
Garling, Frederick, b. 1806
Earning his living working at Customs House, Frederick Garling only had early mornings and weekends to spend on his painting yet he was regarded as ...