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Metcalfe, M., b. 1813
Sketcher, made three watercolour views of Sydney in the 1830s. The artist was possibly Michael Metcalf(e), a shipping and customs agent who arrived at Sydney ...
Meyers, Maximilian, b. 1827
Painter, illuminator, engrosser and art teacher, ran an evening schools for 'the art of drawing and watercolouring' in Perth, Sydney and Melbourne throughout the 1850s-1870s. ...
Michaelis-Sachs, Margaret, b. 1902
professional photographer who also dabbled in painting and drawing later in her career, migrated to Australia from Europe, specialised in documentary photographs, portraiture and dance ...
Michell, C. C.
Sketcher and engraver, drew and engraved 'State of Cradock's Pass' in 1840.
Middleton, S.
Sketcher, showed a landscape at the 1869 Geelong Mechanics Institute Exhibition, Victoria.
Midwood, Thomas Claude Wade, b. 1855
Colonial period Hobart cartoonist, caricaturist, engraver, wood-carver and guitarist
Mikhailov, Pavel Nikolaivich, b. 1786
Official artist on board the Russian vessel Vostok when it travelled to Antarctica and the Pacific in 1819 21. He drew natural history and ethnographic ...
Miles, John Roxburgh
Drawing and mapping teacher, advertised in October 1853 that he would soon be starting a class for 'mapping, pencil and watercolour drawing, including Flowers and ...
Miles, Michael
Sketcher, has had a pencil view, 'Port Denison, Looking West' (Mitchell Library) attributed to him.
Miles, William Augustus, b. 1798
Sketcher, natural historian, commissioner of police and police magistrate, was almost certainly a bastard son of the future King William IV. He made pen and ...
An art student from Sydney who exhibited at the annual exhibition in connection with the Pitt Street Congregational Sunday Schools (opened Christmas Eve, 1873).
Painter and teacher, was offering drawing, 'mezzotint' and oil and watercolour painting classes in Melbourne in 1841.
Miller, Godfrey, b. 1893
The New Zealand born Godfrey Miller became one of Australia's most admired artists of the mid-twentieth century. His shyness, combined with the way he continued ...
Millett, Janet
Sketcher, watercolourist and writer who lived in Western Australia from 1863-1869.
Millor, T. M.
Sketcher, won the prize for the best pen-and-ink drawing, original or copy, at the exhibition of the South Australian Society of Arts.
Mills, John Samuel Coulson, b. 1907
Artist and illustrator best known for his prolific contribution to The Australian Women's Weekly before, during and after WW2.
Milsom, Elizabeth, b. 1960
Melbourne based printmaker who worked as an assistant in Bill Young's Print Workshop after graduating from the Victorian College of the Arts in 1985. She ...
Minchin, George, b. 1852
Painter, was apprenticed to a heraldic painter at Geelong, Victoria, in 1869. On Easter Monday he caught a train from Geelong to Melbourne and disappeared.