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Radke, Bruce, b. 1950
Brisbane-born artist Bruce Radke creates sculptures inspired by his early career in geology.
Rado, Ann, b. 1935
Artist-printmaker known for her work in lithography and artists' books.
Rae, Iso, b. 1860
Critics have claimed that expatriate Isobel Rae 'carried her impressionist style too far'. Nevertheless, her paintings possessed a 'rare charm and poetry' combined with 'harmonious ...
Rae, John, b. 1813
"I am anxious to make some of you amateurs like myself" was Rae's plea to students at the Sydney Mechanics School of Arts in 1855. ...
Rae, Jude, b. 1956
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Raetze, Silke, b. 1975
German born painter and textile artist
Rafeldt, A.T.
She exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1920 but was not a member.
Raft, Emanuel, b. 1938
The Egyptian born Emanuel Raft brought a cosmopolitan perspecive to the way he approached painting, sculpture and design. He was also a teacher and mentor ...
Rafty, Tony, b. 1915
Caricaturist, cartoonist, illustrator, journalist and cartoon historian. Rafty joined the Sun Associated Newspapers group in 1940 but enlisted in the AIF in 1941.
Ragless, Max
Exhibited oil paintings and etchings with the West Australian Society of Arts in the 1930s.
Rahimi, Abdul Karim , b.
A. Karim Rahimi is a master of Afghani miniature painting, now resident of Sydney
Raisin, Hannah, b. 1987
Hannah Raisin is a Female Australian Contemporary Artist. Raisin is the primary figure in her; live and gallery performances, videos, sound and digital photography which ...