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Morgan, Margaret, b. 1958
Contemporary painter, sketcher and printmaker
Morgan, James Squire Woodward, b. 1886
Prominent interwar period etcher who studied under Julian Ashton and Sydney Long.
Morley, Bill
DJ in the early 80s at Stranded and resident DJ for Arthurs in Kings Cross. His legend began when he outraged the 1987 Mardi Gras ...
Morphett, Amy Gawler, b. 1841
Sketcher from South Australia. In 1859 her father lent her flower painting to the exhibition of the South Australian Society of Arts.
Morphett, Mary M., b.
Sketcher, was born in South Australia. In 1859 her father exhibited her work with the South Australian Society of Arts at Adelaide.
Morrell, Richard, b. 1809
Sketcher, builder, farmer, postmaster and publican, from Western Australia. Morrell died of rheumatic fever at Northam on 29 April 1863.
Morris, William Knibb, b. 1833
Sketcher, amateur photographer and salesman from Tasmania. Morris retained an interest in photography all his life.
Sketcher from Victoria. W.T. Morris, presumably her father, lent to the Geelong Mechanics Institute Exhibition in 1869 her two pencil sketches.
Morrison, G. E. M.
Morrison is known from an undated pencil portrait of Alexander Tolmer.
Mort, Theresa Shepheard, b.
Art student of Conrad Martens in 1846-47. She married Thomas Sutcliffe Mort, a businessman and patron of the arts, at Christ Church of England, St ...
Moses, M. S.
Sketcher, provided a view of the Wombeyan Caves, near Taralga, New South Wales.
Mosey, Frederick, b. 1857
Frederick Mosey was born in 1857. He was an amateur artist and businessman who exhibited lively pen and ink drawings and sketches of fowls in ...
Mossman, Samuel F.
Sketcher, drew a view in 1840 of Geelong, Victoria. Geelong Art Gallery holds a copy overpainted in gouache of 'Geelong in 1840' but the original ...
Mundy, Godfrey Charles, b. 1804
Sketcher, soldier and author, made pen and pencil drawings in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and New Zealand. Mundy died in London on 10 July ...
Mundy, Louisa Catherine Georgina
Sketcher in the picturesque travel mode. In 1849 Louisa Mundy accompanied her husband to the Illawarra region of New South Wales, and two of the ...
Murch, Arthur James, b. 1902
Painter and sculptor, assistant to George Lambert, and in World War II the War artist who captured images of the bombed city of Darwin. Later ...
Murphy, Edward, b. 1823
Illuminator, ornamental penman, sign-writer, plasterer, soldier and deserter, made elaborate pen, pencil and wash illuminations of flags and ships in Hobart Town.
Murray, Alexander, b. 1803
Watercolourist, farmer, politician and manufacturer. In 1845 he took an exhibition, 'South Australia As It Is', to Scotland.
Murray, Mary, b. 1817
A sketcher, Mary Murray arrived in Sydney in 1834, the daughter of Colonel Gibbes who designed Kirribilli's Wotonga House, which now forms part of Admiralty ...