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Chapple, Arthur W.
Chapple exhibited in the Centennial International Exhibition in Melbourne in 1888.
Chard, Elizabeth
Chard exhibited in the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880.
Charnay, Désiré, b. 1828
Professional photographer, journalist, ethnographer and collector.
Charpentier, William Henry
Painter and drawing teacher, Tasmania.
Chauvel, Lilian, b. 1867
Painter and designer. Chauvel 'discovered and developed the art of "panchrocis", a delicate technique of paintings on silks and satins, of which she made lamp ...
Check, Joseph, b. 1856
Photographer in New South Wales. His flashlight photograph is held at the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW.
Cherry, G Rodney, b. 1856
Exhibited with the Victorian Academy of Arts, 1884. Took photographs of the artists' camp at Sirius Cove in the 1890s.
Chevalier, Thomas, b. 1826
Professional photographer in Bendigo and Melbourne, Victoria. He was primarily a studio photographer but he also produced photographs of early business premises and public buildings ...
Chidley, W. J.
Listed in Sands, 1887-88.
Chinner, John Henry, b. 1865
Federation era Adelaide cartoonist, branch manager and local politician.
Chizlette, H. A.
Painter and resident of Ashfield, Sydney, NSW.
Chomley, M. E.
Member of the Boyd family and pupil of Julie Vieusseux.
Chuck, Thomas Foster, b. 1826
Professional photographer and entrepreneur born in London. Resident of Melbourne, Ballarat and Daylesford he documented the explorers and early colonists of Victoria. Much of Chuck's ...
Churchward, Hedley
Churchward was a scene painter in Melbourne, Victoria.
Art student in Sydney, New South Wales. Miss Clark exhibited with the Art Society of NSW in 1885.
Clark, Alfred Thomas, b. 1845
Scene-painter, journalist, politician and businessman born in London. Resident of Melbourne, Victoria he painted theatrical scenery to pay for his education.
Clark, James A.
artist, active circa 1870-1900.
Painter, exhibited with the Tasmanian Art Association in 1885.
Clarke, Daniel, b. 1827
Painter and professional photographer born in Northern Ireland. Resident of Victoria he painted views of Tower Hill.
Clarke, E.
Miss E. Clarke was an art student in Melbourne. She exhibited with the National Gallery School, Melbourne in 1889.