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Cobbett, P. M.
A painter who won silver medal in the landscape section for Professional Artists (Oils), plus the Hunter's Hill prize for landscape.
Cockrell, E. A.
E. A. Cockrell exhibited with the Art Society of NSW in 1889.
Cocks, G.
Painter, exhibited at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition.
Cocks, W., b. 1866
Exhibited in the Modelling Class of the Adelaide Jubilee International Exhibition of 1887.
Painter from Victoria. Mrs Cockshott exhibited at the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880.
Codrington, M. H.
Painter, was a member of the ladies' classes at the School of Design, Sydney, NSW.
Coglan, F. A.
F. A. Coglan exhibited with Art Society of NSW in 1884.
China painter, resident of Sydney. Miss Cohen exhibited in the British ceramic ware section of the Western Transept of the Sydney International Exhibition in 1879-80.
Cohen, Morris E., b. 1866
Federation era Victorian caricaturist, illustrator and pastellist.
Cohen, Victor
Photographer, worked in Sydney, New South Wales.
Coldrey, Frederick H.
Little is known of the professional photographer Coldrey but that he was in partnership with Alfred Fenton in Ballarat, Victoria in 1856-57.
Cole, Chassie, b. 1857
Charlotte Ann Reeve Cole (Chassie) showed an early interest in art and began entering various exhibitions, including Ballarat Juvenile Exhibition of 1878. She won medals ...
Cole, Tennyson
Portrait painter and amateur singer, came to Tasmania in the Doric in 1889.
Collett, Frederick, b. 1863
Frederick Collett was born in 1864. He was a cabinetmaker who was also a builder and inspector of buildings. In 1905 Collett was in Newcastle ...
Collingridge, Arthur, b. 1853
Painter and illustrator of Australian scenes 1879-1901 who exhibited widely, mainly in NSW. Founding member of the Royal Art Society of NSW 1880.
Collingridge, George, b. 1847
Wood engraver, painter, founding member of the Royal Art Society of NSW, and founder of Australian Art, the first local magazine devoted to art. George ...
Collingwood, Thomas
Collingwood taught at the National Gallery of Victoria Design School during the 1870s.
Collins, Arthur
Collins combined the occupations of artist and banker, exhibiting at the Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, in 1888.
Collins, H.
Collins was placed fourth for a pencil drawing of Wollongong, exhibited at the Melbourne International Exhibition, 1880.
Collis, H.
Collis was a draughtsman and engraver, who exhibited with the Art Society of NSW during the 1880s.