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Doughty, Phillip, b. 1956
Phillip Doughty is a painter of rural Western Australian landscapes. He is associated with Kidogo Arthouse in Fremantle.
Doughty, Jonathon, b. 1993
Painter. Exhibited in the 'Moorditj Mob' exhibition at Kidogo Arthouse in 2009.
Mr Douglas was a scene painter. In 1855 and 1866 he worked for Sydney's new Prince of Wales Theatre. In 1869 Douglas worked for the ...
Douglas, Jessie, b. 1854
Jessie Douglas was a painter and teacher. She ran a ladies' school for five years (1877-82). She ran the school as "Mrs" Douglas - an ...
Douglas, Blak, b. 1970
Born Adam Douglas-Hill is best known as a painter of quirky political satire. His portraits of Aboriginal people and other activists have been finalists in ...
Douglas, John, b. 1964
John was an active participant in the 1980's QLD ARI sector, including the Tropical Artist Guild located in Cairns and That Contemporary Art Space in ...
Douglas-Scott-Montagu, Henry John, b. 1832
Watercolourist and politician. In accordance with the social mores of the time, he painted only for his own pleasure and that of his family and ...
Douglass, Elizabeth, b. 1825
Elizabeth Douglass worked mainly in miniature portraits on ivory, chalk drawings, watercolour, engraving and oil colour. Her work received recognition at the Geelong Mechanics Institute, ...
Dove, Victor, b. 1928
A Sydney-born artist and travel writer whose paintings include many scenes of South East Asia.
Dowie, Penny, b. 1948
Winner of the Doug Moran portrait prize in 1988, Dowie is also a recognised illustrator, with work shown in the travelling exhibition, 'Alice 125: A ...
Dowling, Robert Hawker, b. 1827
With subjects ranging from Aboriginal to Bibical and orientalist scenes, Dowling was the first to establish the pattern of expatriate exploitation of home patronage, which ...
Dowling, William Paul, b. 1824
William Paul Dowling was a painter, engraver and photographer. In 1849 he was transported to Hobart Town as a political prisoner. Dowling worked in partnership ...
Dowling, Julie, b. 1969
Julie Dowling is a Badimaya Aboriginal woman whose portraits have been exhibited in 'Culture Warriors' at the National Gallery of Australia, 'Colour Power' at the ...
Dowman, Walter J.
1920s political cartoonist and painter.
The Misses Downing painted Tasmanian flora and fauna. Their designs were recreated on fine china, for sale in exclusive shops.
Downie, Cuthbert
Cuthbert Downie was a watercolourist. He exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1930.
Downing, Desmonde, b. 1920
A set and costume designer, actor and singer, working in Sydney and Melbourne during the 1950s and the 1960s.