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Thurston, Eliza, b. 1807
Despite having to raise a young family on her own in a country not of her birth, Eliza Thurston managed to become an established and ...
Thurston, Eliza West, b. 1843
Sketcher and teacher, was born on 7 April 1843 at Southampton, England. She came to New South Wales in 1853, working as a school teacher. ...
Thurston, Emily Mary Ann, b. 1846
Sketcher and watercolourist, she arrived in NSW in 1853 with her widowed mother and sisters.
Thurston, Horatio, b. 1838
Mid-nineteenth-century photographer, though this was only one of his many trades, and not the most successful.
Sunday School student, was studying art at Sydney in 1873.
Tindal, Frederick Colquhoun, b. 1829
Pastoralist who sketched various subjects including Aboriginal portraits, homesteads and Australian fauna. Tindal drowned aged 25 while attempting to cross the Clarence River in NSW. ...
Tindal, Mary, b. 1833
English born sketcher and watercolourist whose subjects include domestic life, buildings and pastoral scenes.
Tindall, Nessie, b. 1890
Sydney based watercolourist, illustrator and teacher active during the first half of the twentieth century. The artist was the daughter of the Scottish born marine ...
Tobin, George, b. 1768
Naval officer and natural history painter who sketched on various voyages, including Captain William Bligh's voyage to Van Diemen's Land. Tobin became the first European ...
Tolmer, Alexander, b. 1815
Sketcher and police officer, was born in England of French parents and moved to South Australia. Sketched military pictures, scenes of the Australian landscape, criminals ...
Tomescu, Aida, b. 1955
Aida Tomescu was born in Bucharest, Romania, in 1955 and moved to Sydney, Australia, in 1980. Tomescu was the inaugural winner of the LSFA Arts ...
Tomkinson, Elizabeth, b.
Sketcher, from Denbighshire, North Wales. She was awarded the 2-guinea prize for the best watercolour painting of a group of flowers at the annual exhibition ...
Tompson, Charles, b. 1784
English born landholder and farmer whose two recorded sketches of himself and his wife are kept in possession of the family.
Towart, , b. 1822
Drawing teacher, arrived at Hobart Town on board the Samuel Winter in 1839. Towart advertised in the Colonial Times that he was setting up as ...
Tracy, George Wingfield, b.
Tracy was born in Ireland. After arriving in Australia, he joined his brother and a small party to prospect for gold in Adelaide. His only ...
Train, G.
Sketcher, drew a pen-and-ink portrait of a child which its owner, Mr R. Kay, lent to the 1859 exhibition of the South Australian Society of ...
Tran, Tina, b. 1985
Tina Tran is a painter as well as a member of the Popperbox collective, an interactive public art group in the Fairfield region of Sydney.
Tranthim-Fryer, John Robertson, b. 1858
Tasmanian born sculptor and art teacher. He returned from London to settle in Victoria where he became first Director of Swinburne Technical College in 1908, ...
Tremlett, Williamina Mary, b. 1827
Teacher, had a school in Hobart Town in 1869 where she taught English, music and drawing before becoming a governess to the Kermode family.