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Vaughan, H.
H. Vaughan was an amateur photographer who advertised a camera and chemicals for sale in August 1865.
Vigano, Maria Teresa, b. 1884
Maria Teresa Vigano was a painter. She was born in Milan, Italy in 1884. With her husband she came to Melbourne in 1928. In Australia ...
Vincent, Alfred James, b. 1874
A Federation era Bulletin cartoonist and painter, based mainly in Melbourne, Alfred Vincent was the first visual artist to join the Melbourne Savage Club.
Waite, James Clarke, b. 1832
Waite's oil paintings now sell for respectable prices, his notoriety in large part due to his being a contemporary of the Boer War. His work ...
Walker, Anna Frances, b. 1830
A prolific botanical painter, Anna Frances Walker won many awards for her flower paintings, although always proudly remaining an amateur gentlewoman.
Walker, Mary Augusta, b. 1856
As a portrait painter, Walker trained in Europe at institutions such as the Slade School in London and Colarossi's in Paris. She received commissions from ...
Walker, Rose A., b. 1879
Painter and miniaturist, exhibited in Melbourne from c.1920s-1940s. Founding member of the Twenty Melbourne Painters art group.
Wall, Dorothy, b. 1894
Wall was a mid 20th century Sydney and New Zealand illustrator and author whose published work, while considerable, does not accurately reflect just how much ...
Ward, J. E., b. 1866
Late colonial period cartoonist and illustrator. Painter of Birds of Paradise and native life in Papua.
Warren, Helena, b. 1871
Self-taught photographer who became both the local press correspondent and a producer of humorous trompe l'oeil postcard images.
Waterhouse, Mary Brough, b. 1853
Colonial artist, settled in Victoria, began woodcarving in the early 1900s.
Waterhouse, Bertrand James, b. 1876
B.J. Waterhouse was a Sydney architect who was actively involved in the NSW art world during the first half of the twentieth century, both as ...
Watkins, John Samuel, b. 1866
John Samuel Watkins (1866-1942) was an English born portrait painter. He is best known for operating a popular Sydney based art school during the early ...
Watson, P. Fletcher, b. 1842
Watercolour painter, was an Englishman who came to Sydney about 1883 and remained for ten years. During his stay he became involved in a number ...
Watts, James Laurence, b. 1849
Sculptor and painter, first full time curator Qld Art Gallery 1915. Best known for Boer War Memorial sculpture "The Scout" 1912, and busts of - ...
Waugh, Hal, b. 1860
Painter, was born and apparently lived all his life at Eltham, Victoria. He mainly painted bush and country scenes, and spent some time painting with ...
Webster, John, b. 1818
Webster produced sketches during the voyage of the 'Wanderer' in 1851. These were later worked up by George French Angas into twenty-five watercolours, intended as ...
Weir, Margaret B., b. 1856
Weir was a painter, art teacher and gifted needleworker, though she regarded this element of her artistic life as a hobby. A student at the ...
Wenban, Raymond Stewart, b. 1893
Mid 20th century Sydney, Melbourne and London illustrator, painter and printmaker, Wenban studied art with Julian Ashton and Elioth Gruner. In 1954 he was one ...
West, Frederick Temple
Photographer and marine artist, had a photographic studio in Newcastle from 1895 to 1901. He employed artists including Reginald Borstel and Alfred Dufty to do ...