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Alder, Anthony, b. 1838
Anthony Alder was a Brisbane-based taxidermist who is also known for his paintings of Australian fauna, particularly ornithological subjects.
Austin, William Sidney, b. 1867
Painter and bedding manufacturer, Austin is said to have won a Brisbane exhibition art award but he is better known for founding the Friendly Society ...
Barker, Bradshaw
Bradshaw Barker was a painter who worked in oil and watercolour in the late 19th century. He lived and worked in Townsville, Qld.
Bevan, Thomas
Thomas Bevan was a professional photographer in the nineteenth century who is known to have lived and practiced in Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane.
Bode, Edwin, b. 1859
Edwin Bode was a painter and photographer who travelled throughout Queensland painting watercolours of homesteads in exchange for board and lodging. A longtime resident of ...
Boyd, William Alexander Jenyns, b. 1842
A.J. Boyd was involved in the teaching profession for a good part of his life. In 1882 his book "Old Colonials" was published and which ...
Broinowski, Gracius Joseph, b. 1837
Peripatetic artist who produced copious landscape images and sold them off inventively (through art unions). Finally settling down in Sydney, he taught in various private ...
Brown, Joseph Lyne
Renowned for his caustic wit later in life as an alderman on Cairns City Council, as a photographer Brown is best known for popularising the ...
Campbell, John, b. 1855
Scenic painter and decorator who worked in Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania. Campbell also painted views of places and buildings around Perth.
Fristrom, Clas Edvard, b. 1864
Early 20th century Swedish born painter. Lived and worked in Brisbane, Auckland and California. Fristrom died on 27 March 1950 in San Anselmo, California.
Friström, Carl Magnus Oscar, b. 1856
Federation era Swedish born Brisbane painter. He also worked in a photographic studio presumably with his brother, Clas Edvard.
Gasking, John, b. 1861
Federation era Sydney and Queensland sketcher, cartoonist and illustrator.
Grainger, Joseph Harry, b. 1853
J.H. Grainger was one of the original exhibitors at the Queensland Art Society and made a significant contribution to the development of art in early ...
Hall, Algernon
Professional photographer, worked in Victoria and Queensland taking portraits and views of towns and districts. He photographed the bushranger Daniel 'Mad Dog' Morgan lying dead ...
Jenner, Isaac Walter, b. 1836
Painter, was born in Surrey, England. He took up painting after retiring from the British Navy. Due to this, ships and marine scenes were popular ...
Leonard, John H.
Late colonial-period Adelaide, Melbourne and, possibly, Brisbane newspaper cartoonist, Leonard was the cartoonist "Leo" on the Port Adelaide News c.1877
Lloyd, Henry Grant, b. 1830
A prolific watercolourist painter and sketcher, Lloyd is known as 'Australia's peripatetic artist'. He travelled indefatigably throughout his long life, recording many landscapes in Australia, ...
Mathewson, Thomas, b. 1842
Scottish colonial male orphan who set up a photography business after being taught by an Ipswich reverend. By the time he died, his horse driven ...
Rielly, Henry, b. 1845
Henry Rielly established his career and reputation in Victoria but his work took on an added signficiance when he came to live in regional Queensland ...