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Abbott, Ernest Edwin, b. 1889
Ernest Edwin Abbott (1889-1973), English-born printmaker, painter and art teacher, based mainly in Melbourne, Victoria.
Armstrong, Elizabeth Caroline, b. 1860
South Australian-born painter and teacher, Amstrong alternated between Adelaide and England. Following her death a fund was started to establish the Elizabeth Armstrong Memorial Library ...
Ashton, James, b. 1859
Influential Federation era Adelaide painter, illustrator and art teacher. Ashton, the father of painter Will Ashton, is best known for establishing the Academy of Arts, ...
Ball, George Arnold, b. 1868
Following his occupation as a school teacher at Crystal Brook in South Australia’s north, George Arnold Ball embarked on a career as a photographer. He ...
Ball, Robert Henry, b.
Residing in Angaston in South Australia’s Barossa Valley, Robert Henry Ball was an amateur photographer. His landscape photographs and scenes of boats and railways were ...
Barnes, Doris, b. 1897
Interested in photography from a young age, Barnes exhibited her work in Adelaide and in England. A member of the Adelaide Camera Club, she built ...
Barnes, Gustav Adrian, b. 1877
Barnes emigrated to Australia as a child and held important positions in the arts in South Australia, which included positions as a curator at the ...
Barringer, Ethel, b. 1884
An accomplished artist across various media, Ethel Barringer became passionate about etching and was instrumental in establishing this medium as a core part of the ...
Barringer, Gwendoline L'Avance, b. 1882
Gwen Barringer was a painter of traditional subjects, most notably flowers. An active member of the South Australian arts scene, as Vice President of the ...
Benson, Eva Ellenor, b. 1875
Eva Ellenor Benson was a talented sculptor who trained in Perth and London where she received regular recognition through awards and commissions. Returning to Australia ...
Black, Dorrit, b. 1891
A contemporary of Grace Crowley and Ralph Balson, Dorrit Black was both a painter and printmaker, particularly of linocuts. An active member of both the ...
Blakemore, Rose, b. 1870
Queensland-born, Sydney-based miniature portrait artist and art teacher active in the early decades of the twentieth century.
Bosley, Thomas George Dufty, b. 1867
Thomas George Dufty Bosley was a talented and professional potter who began his career at the age of nine, when he became an apprentice at ...
Bosworth, Amy, b. 1872
Amy Bosworth was a noted flower painter of the early 20th century in South Australia. Her 1910 oil painting 'Roses' was in the collection of ...
Bowen, Stella, b. 1893
Single-minded in her desire to be an artist, Stella Bowen studied briefly under Margaret Preseon before leaving Adelaide at 20 to study art in London. ...
Britten, Florence, b.
Florence Britten was a painter who lived most of life in Adelaide.
Campbell, Robert Richmond, b. 1902
Painter and gallery administrator. Born in Scotland and resident of New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland. By the 1950s he was regarded as ...
Cavanagh, Michael F., b. 1860
Michael F. Cavanagh was born in 1860. He was an architect who was a member of the South Australian Society of Arts with whom he ...
Cazneaux, Harold, b. 1878
Cazneaux was the leader of Australian Pictorialist photography in the first half of the 20th century. The soft focussed beauty of his images helped a ...