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Gardiner, Matthew, b. 1976
Matthew Gardiner is an artist most well known for his work with origami and robotics. He created the field of art/science research called Oribotics. One ...
Marynowsky, Wade, b. 1974
Media artist working across robotics, immersive and interactive installation, performance, music and video. His work straddles both 'artificial-life' and 'live art'.
Rye, David
Roboticist based at the University of Sydney who has collaborated with interactive installation artist Mari Velonaki.
Saunders, Rob, b. 1971
Computational model designer and artist working in robotic art and designing systems of curiosity.
Stelarc, , b. 1946
Stelarc is a performance, installation and new media artist who has performed and exhibited in Japan, Europe and the United States. Using medical instruments, prosthetics, ...