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Some star to steer by: John Dunkley-Smith, 1977-2000

by Dunkley-Smith, John, O'Halloran, David.

The exhibition featured slide projector installations, prints, paintings and computer based works and did not tour due to the nature of the work. Sponsored by ...

Seismonitor: David Rogers

by Rogers, David.

Funded by the Australia Council and the NSW Ministry for the Arts. Supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, ...

Patricia Piccinini: call of the wild

by Kent, Rachel, Piccinini, Patricia.

NSW Ministry for the Arts; MCA Ambassadors; Telstra; Wattyl; Australia Council. A level 4 solo project. Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of ...

Sandman: Patricia Piccinini

by Piccinini, Patricia, Smith, Jason.

Sandman is the inaugural contemporary artist project exhibition at the Ian Potter Centre. Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS; ...

Dennis del Favero and Tony MacGregor: requiem and cross currents

by MacGregor, Tony, del Favero, Dennis.

Toured to Munich and Hannover. The work articulated the link between a traditional museum and the digital space of an internet site. It was developed ...

Artist in residence exhibition

by Gardner, Matt.

Matt Gardner artist in-residence developing the digital media work for the later installation of paper origami sculpture and digital projection installation. Source: Solo Survey Exhibition ...

Take care and I will see you soon co-ordinates: Adam Dorahy, Adrian Miles, Frank Guarino

by Dorahy, Adam, Guarino, Frank, Miles, Adrian.

Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS TSG exhibition calendar; (05/03/04)

Swarm: Alex Davies

by Davies, Alex.

The work focuses on the dynamics of the live surrounding environment as a basis for subsequent acquisition and manipulation of data. Funded by the Australia ...

Patricia Piccinini: lump and stem cells

by Michael, Linda, Piccinini, Patricia.

This exhibition brings together three works by renowned Melbourne artist Patricia Piccinini, to focus on her approach to genetic engineering. The grouping is inspired by ...

Faculty of the constructed environment: gestation by Garth Paine

by Paine, Garth.

Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS RMIT Gallery program