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Martens, Conrad, b. 1801
Well-travelled (South America, South Pacific and Australasia) English colonial watercolourist, oil painter, lithographer, sketcher and landscape artist who is one of the better known 19th ...
Martens, Rebecca, b. 1838
Sydney-born female artist who used watercolour, pencil and ink to depict a variety of subjects in her work from landscapes, houses, plant studies and even ...
Martin, A.
Colonial female sketcher whose sketches of Pilgrim's Progress drew comment from an Adelaide newspaper.
Martin, Margaret Discombe, b. 1826
Female colonial headmistress in Sydney who painted and exhibited oil and watercolour landscapes and copied works by other artists.
Martindale, Mary Elizabeth
English female colonial sketcher whose sometimes bleak sketches of NSW landscapes echoed her husband's short-lived career as superintendent of roads.
Martyn, James J.
Colonial male sketcher of horses and landscapes who may have been related to a horse and carriage salesman.
Mason, Abraham John, b. 1794
19th century colonial wood engraver.
Mason, Charles Voelker, b. 1825
Colonial male draughtsman and wood engraver who set up business with his brother, but there are no identified examples of his or their work.
Mason, Cyrus, b. 1829
English colonial male lithographer, watercolourist, and draughtsman. His diverse career included writing and illustrating children's books, teaching, publishing newspapers, public speaking and founding music and ...
Mason, Edward, b. 1845
English colonial wood engraver and painter who worked with his brother Frederick on numerous illustrations for a range of Sydney newspapers. He had many jobs ...
Mason, George, b. 1827
English colonial male wood engraver and painter who taught music and set up Brisbane's first theatre. Apart from being bankrupted twice, he advertised as an ...
Mason, Thomas
Colonial male from the 1840's who has been credited for producing a poster, but who may be the intended target of the poster. Apparently the ...
Mason, Walter, b. 1820
English colonial male wood-engraver and painter who studied in the USA and London. He was known to be generous for various causes, even though he ...
Masson, David
Colonial portrait painter who came to Melbourne in 1850, set up business and exhibited, and also taught music. He painted in studios in Stanley Street ...
Masters, Joseph
Colonial male sketcher and businessman whose drawings of Melbourne and Geelong landscapes were considered carefully observed for an amateur.
Mathewson, Thomas, b. 1842
Scottish colonial male orphan who set up a photography business after being taught by an Ipswich reverend. By the time he died, his horse driven ...
Female colonial painter of flowers and miniatures who was commended on her art in a newspaper and may have been painted by her sister.
May, Charles William
Adelaide-based colonial male photographer whose daguerreotypes of scenery were so good he won a guinea prize one year and got to judge the same competition ...
May, E. C.
Colonial lithographer whose lithographs celebrated life in the bush and on the goldfields. May have been in business with Walker.
Mayo, Ellen Anne
Female colonial sketcher and painter who recorded views of Sydney as she travelled to Adelaide. Afterwards she exhibited a painting of fruit.