Female colonial painter and embroiderer who taught indigenous children literacy in her Sunday school at Parramatta, while exerting considerable influence on her father, the Reverend, ...
Female colonial poet, watercolourist and sketcher who posed for another painter in the act of painting flowers, although no floral still-lifes by her have been ...
Well-travelled (South America, South Pacific and Australasia) English colonial watercolourist, oil painter, lithographer, sketcher and landscape artist who is one of the better known 19th ...
Sydney-born female artist who used watercolour, pencil and ink to depict a variety of subjects in her work from landscapes, houses, plant studies and even ...
English colonial male lithographer, watercolourist, and draughtsman. His diverse career included writing and illustrating children's books, teaching, publishing newspapers, public speaking and founding music and ...
English colonial wood engraver and painter who worked with his brother Frederick on numerous illustrations for a range of Sydney newspapers. He had many jobs ...
English colonial male wood engraver and painter who taught music and set up Brisbane's first theatre. Apart from being bankrupted twice, he advertised as an ...
Colonial portrait painter who came to Melbourne in 1850, set up business and exhibited, and also taught music. He painted in studios in Stanley Street ...