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McAlish, John, b. 1830
Cabinetmaker who arrived in 1848.
McClelland, Robert
A travelling photographer working in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland in the 1850s and 1860s.
McColl, Hugh, b. 1819
Hugh McColl had a diverse CV that included working as a bookseller, as publisher and printer of two Melbourne papers, a stint as a manager ...
McComb, Frances Louisa, b. 1811
A sketcher who brought with her favourite views of Ireland and watercolours of its native birds and flowers. No drawings done in Australia have been ...
McCormick, Robert, b. 1800
McCormick is neither remembered for his excellence in the navy nor blessed with a magnificent portfolio that might redeem his deficiencies in this area. Although ...
McCrae, George Gordon, b. 1833
Primarily a poet, McCrae kept a diary and sketched; his work was influenced by the Indigenous population at Arthur's Seat on the Mornington Peninsula. His ...
McCrae, Georgiana Huntly, b. 1804
A prolific painter. McCrae produced a variety of work throughout her life. She received much acclaim for her miniatures and portraits.
McDonald, Archibald, b. 1831
McDonald ran a successful photography business in Melbourne - shifting location every few years as partnerships changed or he outgrew his premises. He produced numerous ...
McDonald, Charles
Professional photographer and confectioner, was listed as such in Sands & McDougall's 'Melbourne Directory' for 1859.
McGill, Walter, b. 1826
Mid 19th century Port Fairy (VIC) and Sydney sculptor, monumental mason and phrenologist.
McGlashan, Alexander Seton, b. 1811
A professional photographer who worked with Octavius Hill of the famous Hill-Adamson calotype partnership in his native Scotland. There are only a few surviving prints ...
McMinn, William, b. 1844
Sketcher, architect and surveyor. In 1865 McMinn was involved in a disastrous expedition to northern Australia to map the Adelaide River. To return to civilisation ...
McMullin, E.
Sketcher, filled two books with watercolour sketches of a variety of subjects, signing several drawings of Tasmanian shells - probably from Hobart - and dating ...
McNeilly, Charlotte Elizabeth, b. 1828
Charlotte McNeilly scandalised her family in 1847 by eloping with an illiterate Irish Catholic coachman who worked on the family estate. They were, however, convinced ...
Medland, James, b. 1817
Painter and clergyman. Sent to Tasmania as a Church of England religious instructor.
Professional photographer, Melchior worked in partnership with C. Grasshoff in Melbourne around 1853.
Meredith, Frances, b. 1831
Sketcher and watercolourist, born in Van Diemen's Land, known for her depictions of local landscapes. She was the cousin (and step-sister-in-law) of prominent author and ...
Meredith, Louisa, b. 1812
Miniaturist, watercolourist, engraver, poet, writer and botanist. She resided in Tasmania for most of her life and exhibited in many Intercolonial Exhibitions.
Meredith, Robert
Sketcher and architect in Victoria from 1847 to about 1858. His drawing of Christ Church, Geelong (Vic.), was engraved on copper by Thomas Ham in ...
Merlin, Henry, b. 1830
Travelling photographer, scene-painter, architect, showman and actor. Merlin created painted and photographic 'panoramas', and extensively photographed the houses and public buildings of many regional areas ...