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Merrett, Joseph Jenner, b. 1816
Sketcher and watercolourist who practiced in New Zealand and Tasmania.
Meryon, Charles, b. 1821
Draughtsman, etcher, sculptor and naval officer, made three brief visits to Australia between 1842 and 1846, although his subsequent career in France is far better ...
Meyers, Maximilian, b. 1827
Painter, illuminator, engrosser and art teacher, ran an evening schools for 'the art of drawing and watercolouring' in Perth, Sydney and Melbourne throughout the 1850s-1870s. ...
Mierz, H. A.
Professional photographer, was listed in the Melbourne Directory as a 'daguerrean artist' and as an 'artist and photographer'.
Miles, John Roxburgh
Drawing and mapping teacher, advertised in October 1853 that he would soon be starting a class for 'mapping, pencil and watercolour drawing, including Flowers and ...
Miller, Edward E., b. 1830
Painter, photographer, wax modeller and picture-frame maker, in Western Australia.
Miller, James
Miniature painter, was living in George Street when he was listed in the Fords' Sydney Directory for 1851.
Millington, Robert S., b. 1833
Professional photographer, saddler and pharmacist, he owned a photographic studios at Windsor, NSW, and later Inverell, NSW and worked as a travelling photographer throughout regional ...
Mills, Henry, b. 1801
Painter, produced watercolours and an oil paintings and resided in Richmond, Victoria, for many years.
Minchin, Richard, b. 1831
Painter, lithographer(?), draughtsman and zoo director, migrated to Adelaide from Ireland in the 1850s, won many prizes at the South Australian Society of Arts with ...
Painter and designer, from London, ran drawing classes in 'Architecture and Landscape' at Hobart Town.
Mitchel, John, b. 1815
Sketcher, amateur photographer(?) and journalist, was an Irish political prisoner transported to Van Diemen's Land. He sketched Tasmanian views and took many daguerreotypes.
Mitchell, Catherine, b. 1812
Sketcher, came out from England to Tasmania in order to marry John Mitchell. Catherine Mitchell sketched her personal surroundings but never exhibited. There is some ...
Mitchell, James Sutherland
Tasmanian sketcher, carver and merchant, produced gigantic picture frames, reproducing birds, fruits and flowers, and modest watercolours.
Mitford, Eustace Reveley, b. 1811
Colonial era Adelaide cartoonist, illustrator, journalist, sailor and farmer
Moffitt, William, b. 1802
Engraver, stationer and bookseller. After the expiry of his convict sentence, Moffitt established a successful business as a bookbinder, stationer, engraver and copperplate printer in ...
Montagu Brothers,
Professional photographers in Sydney. They advertised in 1853 as 'artists' from Edinburgh and London now taking daguerreotype portraits at their studio, 333 George Street South, ...
Montefiore, Eliezer, b. 1820
Sketcher, etcher, art patron, gallery director and businessman, he helped establish the New South Wales Academy of Art and the National Art Gallery of New ...
Montefiore, Octavius, b. 1834
Amateur photographer and merchant.
Moon, Jonathan George, b. 1816
Painter, professional photographer, showman, author, balloonist, traveller, reporter and merchant,painted panoramas and portraits, settled at Maldon, Victoria.