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N., E.
Produced a sketch in 1854 of several buildings and a church. It is believed to be of Bowenfels near Irrawang which is outside Lithgow New ...
N., R.
Produced a watercolour in 1852 titled Bendigo Diggings and a pencil and wash sketch c.1854 titled Site of the New University [of Sydney].
N., A.
A sketcher, whose engravings of the Roman Catholic Chapel at Balmain were published in the Illustrated Sydney News on November 11 1854.
Napier, Thomas, b. 1802
Painter and builder. Born in Scotland in 1802 and arrived in Hobart Town 1832. He then moved to Melbourne in 1837 where he died in ...
Nash, H.
Produced a delicate drawing for the View of the Opening of the Princes Bridge in Melbourne 1850, which was dedicated to C.J La Trobe. It ...
Nash, John Franklin
A wood engraver who had his own printing and engraving office in West Melbourne and advertised that he was a draughtsman, designer and engraver on ...
Nayler, Maria Elizabeth, b. 1802
A painter,lithographer and art teacher. During her career she produced portraits, miniatures, copies of Old Masters, lithographs and bird and still life portraits.
Needham, A. L.
A painter or sketcher. It is believed that Needham produced 'Doune Castle' which was exhibited at the South Australian Society of Arts in Adelaide in ...
Neild, James Edward, b. 1824
Neild was mainly a weekend sketcher whose sketchbooks predominantly included drawings of places around Melbourne. He is most renowned as a journalist and critic writing ...
Neill, Robert, b. 1801
A public servant, Neill lived alternatively in Hobart and Western Australia, according to his work commitments. He was also an artist who painted a series ...
Nelson, John, b. 1825
Nelson was a landscape painter, schoolteacher and police clerk. He painted prolifically as he travelled throughout Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania.
Ness, David, b.
Photographer who arrived in Melbourne in 1852. He was looked after by an acquaintance, Walter Woodbury assisting him with various things from 1 August 1855.
Ness, John, b.
Ness was a professional photographer and it is believed that he may be the architect 'David Ness' who had been taught photography by Walter Woodbury. ...
Nettleton, Charles, b. 1825
A professional photographer, he is generally regarded as the major photographic recorder of Melbourne's growth from settlement to great city. Working as the official photographer ...
Neville, E. H.
Sketched Tasmanian scenes that include Campbell Town, Hobart Town, rural areas and churches. He produced an album containing seventeen of his watercolour sketches.
Newall, Thomas Agar, b.
Colonial era Sydney painter, caricaturist, illustrator, journalist and publican. Newall was also a renowned marksman who apparently bet a case of champagne that he could ...
Newland, J. W.
A travelling photographer who worked in both Sydney and Hobart Town. He exhibited his daguerreotype's both nationally and internationally and is renowned for his portraits ...
Newton, M. J.
Sketcher who exhibited a design at the South Australian Society of Arts, Adelaide.
Nicholas, William, b. 1807
A watercolourist, etcher and lithographer who liked to depict Shakespearian and mythological subjects. He was best known for his portraits and actively took part in ...
Nicholl, , b. 1830
Colonial Queensland cartoonist.