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Webb, T. D.
Professional photographer, appears to have been a son of Samuel Blatchford Webber, a goldsmith of Bromley, Kent, England and a keen amateur photographer.
Webster, John, b. 1818
Webster produced sketches during the voyage of the 'Wanderer' in 1851. These were later worked up by George French Angas into twenty-five watercolours, intended as ...
Weddell, Andrew
Photographer working in Brisbane in the 1860s-70s.
Weigall, Henry
Painter, was commissioned to do an oil on canvas portrait of the Right Rev. Dr Perry, first Anglican Bishop of Melbourne.
Welch, Edwin J.
Along with James Murray, Welch was the expedition photographer for the Victorian government relief party to the Burke and Wills expedition in 1861. Welch had ...
Weller, James
Professional photographer, was listed in the Ballarat Directory for 1865-66.
Wherrett, Charles, b. 1832
Professional portrait and landscape photographer working primarily in Hobart, Tasmania. He also worked in Castlemaine and Bendigo, Victoria.
White, John, b. 1851
Training in Melbourne in the 1860s and Edinburgh in the 1870s White's landscape, portrait and genre subject paintings were exhibited at the Royal Academy and ...
Whitehead, Isaac, b. 1819
Isaac Whitehead was a painter, watercolourist, pastellist, picture-framer and art promoter. He must have come to Victoria with his family in about 1858, according to ...
Whiting, Ada, b. 1858
Oil and watercolour painter and miniaturist, was born in Hobart, Tasmania. She was a rapid worker, painting up to three miniatures a week, landscapes, flowers ...
Colonial period newspaper cartoonist, Whiz was the chief (possibly the sole) illustrator on Innocents in Sydney in 1879.
Wilder, Joseph Warrin
Male colonial Queensland pioneer tabloid photographer who had a knack for shooting murderers before they had committed their crimes, and a habit of selling copies ...
Wilkinson, Jane, b. 1819
Irish colonial female artist who turned from exhibiting her oils, watercolours, pencil and crayon drawings of biblical themes towards teaching. Between 1864 and 1875, she ...
Wilkinson, Harry Strongitharm, b. 1845
English-born painter and journalist/writer who lived in America in the 1870s then moved to New Zealand where he began professional painting and who moved to ...
Willett, George, b. 1841
Colonial male photographer who named his studio the Royal Photographic Temple of Light after shooting two princes on tour.
Williams, Florence Elizabeth, b. 1833
Although Florence received little formal training she was exhibiting at the Royal Academy, London, by her late teens. Migrating permanently in 1873, Florence's paintings seem ...
Williams, J. R.
Male colonial landscape painter and customs officer who exhibited extensively in Melbourne, despite a critic suggesting he could have made more of a view of ...
Williams, Thomas S.
Male colonial photographer with numerous businesses who made xylographs popular before a fire burnt down his Collins Street studio in Melbourne.
Willis, Pyndar
Colonial period Adelaide cartoonist and caricaturist.
Willis, James A. C., b. 1834
Colonial male surveyor whose amateur watercolour drawings of landscapes received certificates of merit and were published as lithographs.