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Burgess, J. O.
Exhibited in 1880 at first Art Society of New South Wales annual exhibition
Burgess, James Ogle
A regular exhibitor with the Art Society of New South Wales in the early 1880s, works include panoramic views of Hobart Town and an animated ...
Burgess, Ruth, b. 1932
Burgess trained at Willoughby Art Workshop and taught at the Tin Sheds, Sydney 1991-94. She specialised in woodcuts and wood engraving and has exhibited extensively, ...
Burgess, T. M.
Burgess's drawings are held in the Western Australian Museum. One signature - 'T.M. Burgess/ Noarlunga' - is the only evidence, however, that these works were ...
Burgess, Helen
Burgess trained in interior design at the East Sydney Technical College in 1946 and 1947. Watercolours of interior designs by her hand are held in ...
Burgin, Henry William, b. 1830
Henry worked at a photographic studio in Parramatta in 1860-1864. Carte-de-visite studio portraits and views of the Hawkesbury River dating from this period are held ...
Burgon, Joseph
Listed among the items at the sale of his deceased estate in 1864 were 'Photographic Cameras with Instruction Books and Chemicals'.
Burgoyne, Philip
Late 20th century Sydney and London cartoonist and illustrator.
Burke, Keast, b. 1896
Professional photographer and photographic historian.
Burke, M.
Painter of shells and porcelain, received a Jury award for porcelain painting at the Melbourne Centennial Exhibition, 1888-89.
Burke, Frances, b. 1907
Burke founded screen-printing business, Burway Prints, Melbourne 1937. Established and managed "New Design" retail outlet, founder member Society of Designers for Industry. Her textile designs ...
Burkitt, Alexander Horace, b. 1807
Received thanks for his contribution to the illustrations of Woods's 'A History of the Discovery and Exploration of Australia' (2 vols, London, 1865). for the ...
Burkitt, Horace, b. 1836
Burkitt was a prolific watercolourist who made studies of the various Victorian districts in which he was stationed as a telegraph operator. His grandson donated ...
Burleigh, Bertha Bennet
Early 20th century cartoonist. Burleigh is an anomaly in the world of cartooning, especially at the Bulletin, due to being a woman. Her last known ...