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Walker, James
Professional photographer with premises in Pitt and George Streets, Sydney. Advertised to take photographs in the 'first style of the art'.
Walker, Theresa, b. 1807
Walker received little formal education, but as a young woman showed considerable talent in the art of modelling. She would become very well known for ...
Wall, W. G.
Sketcher known to have made a watercolour copy of a work by S.T. Gill.
Wall, William Sheridan, b. 1815
curator of the Australian Museum from 1845 to 1858. Wall contributed natural history drawings on a regular basis to the first series of the Illustrated ...
Walsh, James, b. 1833
painter and clerk. Arrived in Western Australia as a convict in 1854. A series of twelve pencil and watercolour sketches of Aborigines are attributed to ...
Walters, Samuel, b. 1811
Painter, worked mainly in Liverpool, England, specialising in pictures of ships. The National Library holds his oil painting of S.S. Australian (1862). Walters never came ...
Wangenheim, Gustavus, b. 1882
Colonial Sydney cartoonist, painter and publican.
Ward, Edward, b. 1823
Deputy Master of the Royal Mint in both Sydney and later Melbourne. Practiced wet-plate (collodion) photography. Exhibited at the second photographic conversazione of the Philosophical ...
Ward, Robert Dalzell, b. 1819
Ward was the first medical practitioner in the district of North Sydney, NSW. He was a keen amateur photographer, mainly taking local views. His best-known ...
Photographic showman, showed dissolving views at Brisbane in August 1857. There is, however, no evidence that he prepared these himself.
Waters, Henry
Painter and carver, showed his painting, 'A Storm', in the Colonial Room at the second exhibition of the Society for the Promotion of the Fine ...
Wathen, George Henry, b. 1818
George Henry Wathen's observations of goldfields' life were recorded in his book 'The Golden Colony or, Victoria in 1854'. This was illustrated, with his own ...
Watson, John
Professional photographer, operated photographic studios in Brisbane and Sydney. In 1874, he published 'Watson's Queensland Album of Photographic Scenery'.
Watson, R.
Sketcher and art student, exhibited at the 1859 exhibition of the South Australian Society of Arts. 'Faust and Wagner' received the award for best outline ...
Scene-painter who painted scenery for a performance at the Queen's Theatre, Melbourne in 1850. In 1867 he executed a large transparency in oils for the ...
Watts, Aland, b. 1834
Aland Watts specialised in painting and decorating shop windows but also painted pictures, mainly in oil.
Watts, George Stedman, b. 1804
Watts set up business as a portrait painter in 1842. This did not last long and none of his portraits have been located. He worked ...
Wauch, Anna Sarah Rachel, b. 1828
Painted watercolour scenes around the Port Macquarie area. Her work, described as 'spirited' and 'lively', depicted subjects such as a dismounted trooper fighting a tribal ...
Webb, Albion K. P.
sketcher, was reputedly working in Australia in the 1850s.
Webb, Alexander James, b. 1813
oil and watercolour painter. Migrated to Victoria about 1855 and settled in Geelong. His work consisted mainly of landscapes, most of which were done in ...