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by Hanssen Pigott, Gwyn.

Sombre still life 1993, Still life with goblets 1992 and Pale still life 1992

28th Bathurst Art Purchase

by Hanssen Pigott, Gwyn.

No. 83 Still life (five pieces) acquired.


by Hanssen Pigott, Gwyn.

Joint exhibition with Leonard Brown, Nicholas Nedelkopoulos and Patsy Hely

The art of the potter

by Hanssen Pigott, Gwyn, Levy, Col, Rushforth, Peter.

Col Levy, Ian McKay, Gwyn Hanssen Pigott (19 works) and Peter Rushforth. 1989 David Jones' Art Gallery Sydney

West meets East

by Hanssen Pigott, Gwyn.

works fired in Heja Chong's kiln outside Melbourne.

Presentation pieces

by Hanssen Pigott, Gwyn.

This exhibition may be 1988

The essential object

by Hanssen Pigott, Gwyn.

(No. 5 in the Evolution of Style exhibitions).