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by Budge, Milton.

Water Towers at Crescent Head


by Budge, Milton.

painted with Sharon Smith at Booroongen-Djugun Aboriginal Corporation's aged care facility, Kempsey, NSW

14 Stained Glass Windows, Plymouth Guildhall, Devon, England.

by Coventry, Frederick Halford.

Commissioned to replace windows damaged by German bombing during World War II.

1979 Animals

by Callas, Peter.

dual screen installation with drawings, 1984Roslyn Oxley Gallery Sydney (1984); “Correspondences” University Gallery Hobart (1984) A series of drawings from 1979 (when I was living ...

Video Installation

2 Improvisations

by Gillies, John, Rose, Jon.

Jon Rose: Cello and Electronics John Gillies: video duration 13 min presented at the Australian Independent Music Festival, Paddington Town Hall, 1982

Single channel video work