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Davies, Lewis Roy, b. 1897
Printmaker and the first principal of the National Art School, East Sydney Technical College. His work mainly deals with atmosphere and light.
Davis, Jan, b. 1952
A printmaker whose work explores both traditional and new print technologies and the relationship between text and photographic images. In 1995 she won the Fremantle ...
Dawson, Janet, b. 1935
Painter, printmaker and designer working in the mid twentieth century. She studied at the National Gallery School in the 1950s and joined the stable of ...
Dawson, Alkawari, b. 1930
Senior Ngaanyatjarra artist whose paintings depict the Kalaya Wati (Emu Man) Dreaming of her country in the Warburton Ranges region.
Day, Peter William, b. 1949
Peter Day is an Australian community and environmental artist who has completed approximately 200 public art works, utilising a variety of mediums. Peter is one ...
De Vries, Maria
Maria De Vries is a painter and linocut printer who began working as an artist after the birth of her children. Her works featured in ...
Deacon, Destiny, b. 1957
Destiny Deacon was a Melbourne based photographer, printmaker, mixed media artist, installation artist, broadcaster, writer and performer. She has shown her work in over 120 ...
Debenham, Pamela Elizabeth, b. 1955
Tasmanian-born printmaker and painter, taught and practiced printmaking at the Sydney University Art Workshop in the 1980s. Many of her works are now held in ...
Degotardi, John, b. 1823
Degotardi, an Austrian ex-pat, arrived in Australia in 1853 and worked in numerous printing houses in Sydney. Later in his career, he became interested in ...
Derham, Frances Alexander Mabel Letitia, b. 1894
Frances Alexander Mabel Letitia Derham (née Anderson) was a painter, printmaker, art teacher, writer and collector of child art. She was the Australian representative at ...
Deutsch, Herman, b. 1833
A lithographer of German origin, he came to Victoria aboard the Sussex in 1857. He was quite prolific as a printmaker in Ballarat throughout the ...
Deveril, Herbert
A professional photographer and photolithographer, Deveril worked in Melbourne until 1873 when he moved to New Zealand permanently. He was quite prolific and worked as ...
Doherty, Brian, b. 1956
Screenprinter, artist and designer actively involved in 1980-1990 Brisbane artist-run spaces Red Comb House, A ROOM, That Contemporary Art Space. And in Sydney, Sydney Intermedia ...
Dorrough, Heather, b. 1933
Dorrough was born in London where she worked as an interior designer. She came to Australia via New York and continued her interiors work while ...
Douglass, Elizabeth, b. 1825
Elizabeth Douglass worked mainly in miniature portraits on ivory, chalk drawings, watercolour, engraving and oil colour. Her work received recognition at the Geelong Mechanics Institute, ...