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De Vries, Maria
Maria De Vries is a painter and linocut printer who began working as an artist after the birth of her children. Her works featured in ...
Deacon, Destiny, b. 1957
Destiny Deacon was a Melbourne based photographer, printmaker, mixed media artist, installation artist, broadcaster, writer and performer. She has shown her work in over 120 ...
Dean, Cindy, b. 1974
Acrylic on canvas painter who is associated with the East Gippsland Aboriginal Arts Corporation.
Deemara, Edward, b.
Gunganji potter, Edward Deemara from Yarrabah, North Queensland, began his artistic career as an apprentice with the Yarrabah Guyala Pottery in 1972.
Dempsey, Timothy Tjungurrayi, b. 1942
Luritja artist who moved to Papunya in the early 1960s. He began painting for Papunya Tula in the mid 1980s but mainly sold his work ...
Dempster, Parnell, b. 1936
One of the most renowned of the Carrolup Children artists. His work is in the collections of the Berndt Museum of Anthropology, the Art Gallery ...
Devitt, Jeremy "Mudjai", b. 1974
Jeremy "Mudjai" Devitt is a painter and dancer who in 1999 was guided in painting techniques by the Ramingining elder, "Uncle" Joseph Beard-Wallace" In 2007 ...
Dickens, Karla, b. 1967
Karla Dickens is a Wiradjuri artist whose work explores the themes of politics, love, sex and the environment. Karla trained at the National Art School ...
Dickson, Bertha Nakamarra, b. 1955
A Warlpiri artist and a former member of HALT (Healthy Aboriginal Lifestyle Team), Dickson's work has explored contemporary social and health issues. She was a ...
Dixon, Beatrix Nangala, b. 1960
Anmatyerre artist whose subject matter relates to her country around No. 1 Bore on Napperby station (NT, where she resides. Her work has been exhibited ...
Dixon, Colin Tjapanangka, b. 1954
Warlpiri artist who with his wife Mary began painting for Papunya Tula Artists in Mt Liebig in the mid 1980s. They later moved to Alice ...
Dixon, Fabian Japanangka
A Warlpiri artist and an employee of the Health Clinic in Lajamanu for eight years, Fabian Dixon was also a trained Nungkayi (Aboriginal healer).
Dixon, Harry Japanangka, b. 1951
Anmatyerre artist who lives at Mt Allan (NT).
Dixon, Iris Napanangka, b. 1953
Warlpiri artist from Lajamanu (NT) who often paints in collaboration with her husband Tim Kennedy.
Dixon, Karen Nungurrayi, b. 1960
Anmatyerre artist who lives in her traditional country Mt Allan (NT).
Dixon, Lucy Napurrurla
Anmatyerre/Warlpiri artist who lives at Mt Allan. Her heritage country is Willowra (NT).
Dixon, Mary Nungarrayi, b. 1960
Mary started painting in the mid '80s when Papunya Tula Artists made regular trips to Mt Liebig to service the artists living there. Mary often ...
Dixon, Matala, b. 1948
Pitjantjatjara artist who sells her work through Maruku Arts and Crafts. She lives at Mutitjulu community at Uluru (NT).
Dixon, Minnie Napanangka, b. 1940
Artist from Willowra who also has connections with the communities in Ti-Tree, Yuendumu and Lajamanu (NT).