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Adamson, Lorenzo
Colonial Ballarat sketcher who won a medal for his crayon and chalk drawings of the Pilgrim's Progress from the Agricultural Society of NSW in 1873.
Colonial female art student and a pupil of Charles Hill's, Addison won three prizes at the Society of Arts exhibition in Adelaide in 1862.
Addison, James
Male colonial artist who was living in Emerald Hill, Melbourne when he exhibited with the NSW Agricultural Society's annual 1873 exhibition.
Addison, William
Male colonial sketcher who drew a portrait of a Roman beggar family in Italian chalk and won a technical prize from NSW Agricultural Society in ...
Adeney, William, b.
Male colonial sketcher who drew landscapes throughout his migration to Australia. He eventually squatted in the Western District of Victoria where he pursued an anthropological ...
Agate, Alfred Thomas, b. 1812
American male colonial botanical and portrait sketcher who visited Australia as part of the 1838-1842 USA World Expedition. Agate remained in Sydney drawing NSW landscapes ...
Aikenhead, James, b. 1815
Scottish male colonial sketcher and founder of the Launceston Examiner, Aikenhead's journal recording his emigration from London to Tasmania, with his only known drawings, has ...
Aitken, John
Colonial sketcher and clergyman who managed to produce an album of sketches while on a whirlwind 12 month world tour that took in NSW, Victoria, ...
Akers, Charles Style, b.
English colonial Royal engineer whose watercolours and drawings of Tasmanian scenery belied his frustration at having received such a far-flung posting. He later painted icebergs ...
Aldis, William Henry, b. 1805
Colonial male tobacconist and sketcher whose only known work is a marine watercolour. Aldis is better known for his tobacco shop, which was a popular ...
Alexander, E. K. N.
Female colonial sketcher whose crayon drawings were exhibited in the NSW Court at the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880.
Allan, Catherine Mabel Joyce, b. 1950
Conchologist and museum curator who signed her articles and drawings 'Joyce K. Allan'. She exhibited a drawing entitled 'Australian Shells' with the Royal Art Society ...
Allen, John
Colonial Tasmanian sketcher and settler. Allen apparently took an early crude sketch of local Aborigines back to England where he had it turned into an ...
Allport, Catherine Davison, b. 1838
A sketcher and member of the artistic Allport family, one of her watercolours is held in the Mitchell Library, NSW and an ink sketch is ...
Allport, Alice, b. 1840
Sketcher, one of a number of children of artist Henry Curzon Allport. Examples of Alice's work can be found in the Mitchell Library, State Library ...
Allport, Bertha Betts, b. 1831
A sketcher, whose ink sketch entitled 'Parramatta River' c.1853 was acquired by the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Allport, Clara Lucilla, b. 1843
One of the many daughters of artist Henry Curzon Allport who also sketched. Examples of her work can be found in the Allport Library and ...
Allport, Francis Evett, b. 1843
Francis Allport was the son and pupil of sketcher Mary Morton Allport. Examples of his work are preserved in Mary's 'Book of Treasures' which is ...
Allport, Gordon, b. 1845
Child artist, son of sketcher Mary Morton Allport whose artistic skills were sadly not fully realised because he drowned aged five. Examples of early drawings ...