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by McArdle, James Martin.

Castlemaine State Festival Courtesy of: Deakin University. Copyright 2011, James McArdle

Fiona MacDonald: second nature (Project Room)

by MacDonald, Fiona.

A solo exhibition of video, installation and photographic work that looks at the 'unparticular' in contemporary existence. Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School ...

Rozalind Drummond: Peeping Tom (Project Room)

by Drummond, Rozalind.

Multi-media installation. Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS Exhibition Catalogue: Rozalind Drummond: Peeping Tom, Melbourne: Monash University Museum ...

Mike Parr: artist in residence 1990/91

by Parr, Mike.

The exhibition consisted of four works: photographs, prints, laser photocopies and an installation. Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS Mike ...

Tracey Moffatt

by Moffat, Tracey.

Free admission - thanks to Telstra; Airline sponsor QANTAS; Supported by HQ and JCDecaux; Presented in association with Sydney Festival 2004; Wall colours courtesy of ...

Ingeborg Tyssen: 20 years of photography

by Byron, Sandra, Tyssen, Ingeborg.

This exhibition highlights several of Tyssen's major series of work and was held in conjunction with International Women's Day. Tyssen migrated from Holland in 1945 ...

Debra Phillips: work 1992-1995

by Byron, Sandra, Phillips, Debra.

Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS AGNSW archive index cards; AGNSW Library catalogue Exhibition Catalogue: Debra Phillips: work 1992-1995. [Sydney]: ...

Point of view: Carol Rudyard, selected works 1969-1994

by Horridge, Naomi, Rudyard, Carol, Stanhope, Zara.

Organised by the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, Uni of WA Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS MUMA archive printout; National ...

Suspend/Extend event for stretched skin

by Stelarc, .

Stelarc suspension piece cancelled by EAF Council; exhibition of photographs; films of stomach colon and lungs; laser performance in basement; poetry reading. Source: Solo Survey ...

Tracey Moffatt: up in the sky

by Moffat, Tracey.

Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS Curtin Gallery exhibition archive

No conversation and blood on the saddle

by Richter, Sue.

Early film and photographic work and more recent video installation work, included 'No Conversation' executed in mid 1985 in New Zealand while the artist was ...

Maria ghost

by Grayson, Richard, Martin, Rick.

The 'Maria' was a ship wrecked on the south Australian coast in 1840, amongst the eerie landscapes that surround the mouth of the Murray and ...

Bashir Baraki: contemporary icons, profile 1982/3

by Baraki, Bashir.

Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS Ian Potter University of Melbourne exhibition archive; (03/09/03)

Autumn song

by Conomos, John.

An installation dealing with the movement between cultures (the Greek island of Cythera and Australia), islands, and imaginary spaces, the video presented a slowly drifting ...

Autumn song

by Conomos, John.

Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS Wollongong City Gallery annual report


by Weary, Geoffrey.

An installation of 3 video and photographic works. Artist-in-residence in Japan during the period of the mourning for the late Emperor Hirohito. Source: Solo Survey ...

Encounters: Beverley Veasey

by Veasey, Beverley.

Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS TSG exhibition calendar; (05/03/04)

Take a Bowery: the art and (larger than) life of Leigh Bowery

by Bowery, Leigh, Carsley, Gary, Storer, Russell.

Examines the extraordinary and outrageous life of the late Australian-born, London-based performance artist. Working closely with Nicola Bateman Bowery, the widow and executor of the ...

A hand passing through art and architecture: Peter Burns

by Burns, Peter, Evans, Doug, Stanhope, Zara.

Survey exhibition of the architectural and creative practice of John Reed's associate Peter Burns who designed the Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tavistock Place in 1956 ...

I've got my spine/ I've got my orange crush

by Redford, Scott.

A body of recent paintings, photographs and videos, concerned with gay sexuality and subcultural identity, including 'surf culture'. Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian ...