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Korff, John, b. 1799
Shipbuilder and and merchant seaman, John Korff ran a shipbuilding business with his sons in Sydney and later Korffs (Coffs) Harbour. He made sketches while ...
Korkatain, Duncan, b.
Duncan Korkatain was born in Aurukun in Queensland where he lived in the Mission dormitories. His carved milkwood sculptures are often used in community ceremonies ...
Korman, Ivor
Commercial illustrator working in Melbourne in the 1940s and 1950s.
Korn, O.
Sketches by O. Korn were lithographed for Fourteen Views of Old Adelaide, published in 1876. May have been the architect F.O. Korn, of Sturt Street, ...
Korneyev, Emel'yan, b. 1780
A member of a Russian expedition, Korneyev visited Sydney for three weeks in 1820. During the visit he sketched Sydney and its environs and accompanied ...
Korody, George, b.
George Korody was a founding member of the Society of Interior Designers of Australia and a vice-president in 1952. Describing himself as a former professor ...
Korzeniewski, Swetik, b. 1946
Swetik is an architect, painter and sculptor, dedicated to education and the investigation of the art and architectural traditions of Europe, Asia and the modern ...
Koskie, Jack Louis, b. 1914
Koskie was a representational painter and graphic designer. He was the chief designer of the Commonwealth Office of Education (Sydney) Sydney and the Tasmanian Government ...
Kosvitz, Augustus John, b. 1831
Queensland-based watchmaker, jeweller and metalsmith who produced presentation pieces and jewellery in gold and silver. A former employee of Hogarth, Erichsen & Co., Kosvitz introduced ...
Kow, Harry
Identified as a furniture factory operator, Macquarie Street, Sydney by Peter Gibson, Voices of Sydney’s Chinese Furniture Factory Workers, 1890–1920, Labour History, no. 112 (May ...
Kral, George, b. 1929
Kral was a designer initially active in Melbourne where he was a founder member of the Gallery A commercial design team. He carried out exhibition ...
Kraus, Tunni, b. 1984
Tunni Kraus is a contemporary Melbourne-based multidisciplinary artist.
Krefft, Johann Ludwig Gerard, b. 1830
On an expedition of the Murray and Darling rivers, Krefft made over 500 drawings of specimens and Aboriginal subjects. Later he became assistant curator at ...
Kreger, Tim
New-media artist and interactive applications developer who has been involved in several art projects concerned with interactivity and virtual reality.
Krimper, Schulim, b. 1893
Krimper was a Victoria-based cabinet maker and designer with a particular interest in non-figurative but expressive carving and the exploration of the values of Australian ...