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Laidlaw, Thomas
Photographer, worked in Sydney at the turn of the century, often with Elizabeth Harris and sometimes independently.
Laifoo, Stanley, b.
Stanley Laifoo paints the stories and imagery of his working life as a cray fisherman diving in the waters of the Torres Strait.
Laifoo, Joey, b. 1978
Lino cut printer, Joey Laifoo from Badu Island in the Torres Strait was born in 1978 was a featured artist in the 2001 Brisbane exhibition ...
Laing, Alec
Federation era cartoonist, illustrator and animated filmmaker
Laing, James William, b. 1811
Laing came to Victoria during the gold rush and travelled around the colony drawing pencil views of properties and buildings.
Laishley, Richard, b. 1816
Laishley was a natural history painter, lithographer and Congregational clergyman; a pupil of the painter and engraver Le Cocq. He was sent to New Zealand ...
Laity, David, b. 1958
Late 20th century Victorian and Perth cartoonist. He said, "I have deliberately stayed away from political cartoons as I don't like the idea of my ...
Sketcher, made the original drawing for Schouten Island, an engraving in H. Butler Stoney's A Residence in Tasmania (London 1856).
Lamartiniere, Alexandre Henri, b. 1844
Professional photographer, worked with Andrew Chandler and Albert Lomer in Sydney before opening his own Gallery of Photographic Art in 1866. He may have learned ...
Lambart, Terence
Mid 20th century Queensland based Bulletin caricaturist. His work is held in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW.
Lambert, George, b. 1873
Influential painter and illustrator.
Lambert, Ron, b. 1923
Designer, did a poster, The Anglers' Paradise: Great Barrier Reef (NLA), for the Queensland Government Tourist Bureau in the 1950s.
Art teacher, advertised at Launceston, Van Diemen's Land, in September 1838 that he taught drawing in all its branches and was proposing to instruct pupils.
Lancashire, John William, b.
Lancashire was sent to Sydney as a convict in 1798 where he continued to be in trouble with the law, usually for forgery. His glib ...