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Colonial male art pupil at the Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, who was second best to Master Anderson according to F.C. Terry.
Malone, Joe, b. 1967
Joe Malone is a painter and assembler of 'shadow boxes' made from painted boomerangs and other traditional Aboriginal tools and weaponry.
Malone, Neil, b. 1950
Known as a painter and printmaker.
Maloon, Terence, b. 1950
Terence Maloon was in the 1980s the most erudite of Australian art critics. A decade later, as senior curator of special exhibitions at the Art ...
Malthouse, Blair, b. 1964
Queensland-born Blair Malthouse is a Mulluridji/Jirrabul descendant who works in the areas of screenprinting, painting and linocut printing and whose work is informed by native ...
Mangan, Kieren
Contemporary comic book artist who participated in 'Silent Army' - a publication featuring the works of 20 young Australian comic book veterans published as part ...
Manietta, Siegfried , b. 1947
Siegfried Manietta was born in Germany and spent his formative years in Northern NSW and South-East QLD. He has worked commercially across a range of ...
Manks, David
Painter based in Illawarra, NSW
Manley, Frank Davies, b. 1894
Manley was a prolific designer of Australian postage stamps 1929 - 1959.
Manly, John Henry, b. 1843
Colonial era Tasmanian political cartoonist, lithographer, publisher and printer. Manly died of tuberculosis. He was twenty-eight years old.
Mann, Gother Kerr, b. 1809
Irish male colonial engineer and soldier who travelled to India, New Zealand and Australia. In the process, he designed weapons and prisons, sketched Maori chiefs, ...
Mann, John Frederick, b. 1819
Colonial era NSW sketcher, amateur photographer and surveyor. In 1846 Mann was second-in-command on Ludwig Leichhardt's second exploring expedition.