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Banggala, England, b. 1920
England Banggala, a fully initiated elder, recorded the history and religion of his ancestors on bark and paper. Banggala was born at isolated Cadell River ...
Banks, J.
An art student who won a prize for one of his drawings at the Sydney Mechanics School of Arts in 1859.
Banks, John, b. 1885
A painter and illustrator, Banks studied art under Harry Garlick, J.S. Watkins, Sydney Long and Lawson Balfour.
Banks, Joseph, b. 1748
Drawings completed on Lieutenant James Cook's voyage to the antipodes from 1768 to 1771 were originally attributed to Joseph Banks but recent scholarship now asserts ...
Bannon, Charles, b. 1919
Painter and printmaker who worked as an art advisor in the Northern Territory in the mid-1960s.
Barak, William, b. 1824
Wurundjeri Ngurungaeta (headman) and artist, William Barak created over fifty distinctive charcoal drawings with natural ochres and water colour of purely Aboriginal subjects. A politician ...
Barbour, John, b. 1954
John Barbour was an Australian Experimental Art Foundation council member from 1996-98, its council chairman from 1997-98. He was a long-time lecturer at the South ...
Bardon, Geoffrey, b. 1940
Geoffrey Bardon was an artist and art teacher who came to Papunya in February 1971. His active mentoring of artists at Papunya and encouraging them ...
Bardwell, William H.
Bardwell was a professional photographer and regular exhibitor who spent most of his working life in Ballarat, Vic.
Bardwell-Clarke, C. S.
Photographer, portrait painter and miniaturist. He owned the Royal Studio, later Bardwell-Clarke Studios, in Hay Street, Perth over the Bon Marché Arcade.
Bare, Harold
Emigrating to Australia after World War I, Harold Bare settled in Liverpool, NSW where he designed hundreds of homes and buildings in the area and ...
Barker, Allan
Mid 20th century wartime soldier cartoonist. Barker's amateur cartoon drawn in honour of Alex Gurney's famous character's Bluey and Curly is held in the Australian ...