Shirley Peters, figurative painter, has produced a variety of work inspired by annual trips to Europe, Asia or America as well as by Australian beach ...
Fabrianne grew up in Papunya and continued her secondary education at Yirara College in Alice Springs before commencing painting in the early 1980s at Mt ...
A Luritja speaker from Mt Liebig, Maudie Peterson transferred the painting skills she learnt decorating coolamons and boomerangs onto works on canvas in the mid ...
Needleworker born in Maryborough, Qld, little is known of this artist other than what can be gleaned from family records. Peterson's artistic endeavours included large ...
Josie was initially a batik artist contributing in 1897 to the Utopia batik project and book. She commenced painting in acrylics after 1988, producing paintings ...
After first working in batik, Kwementyaye (Kathleen) Petyarre turned to painting in 1987. Her precise paintings of her country and her culture led to her ...