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Pittman, Joan
Theatrical designers (and sisters) who have good collections of work in the Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery, including cut-out dolls and dresses, theatre designs and ...
Pitts, Lillian, b. 1872
Born in Bairnsdale, Victoria, in 1872, Pitts was a devout Methodist and music fanatic. She supported herself by teaching music, and later oil-painting. She also ...
Plante, Ada, b. 1875
Plante studied at the Académie Julian, Paris, where she lived off little more than biscuits. She later emerged as Modernist, and in 1932 was a ...
Platten, Anna, b. 1957
Anna Platten has been involved in many public and community arts projects since the 1980s including 'Museum Views' - murals for the South Australian Museum. ...
Platten, Bronwyn, b. 1959
Bronwyn Platten has received numerous Professional Development and Special Project Grants awarded by various funding bodies including Arts South Australia and the Australia Council. As ...
Player, Maisie, b.
Player was married to a professional hotelier, Jim Player and she began her design career when they immigrated to Australia. She was involved in the ...
Playford, Lorna, b. 1906
A China painter whose husband later became premier of South Australia.