Riley established her film design career with The Matrix (filmed in Sydney) and other Australian film productions and the art direction for the 2000 Olympics ...
An early activist for womens' rights, a theosophist and life long feminist, Bessie Mabel Rischbieth was a well known figure in Perth. Her early training ...
Painter born in Ballarat in 1884 who studied in Melbourne London and Paris. Her European and Moroccan works were met with critical acclaim in Australia, ...
Roache is credited with the interior design of the principal suites of the Australia Hotel, Martin Place during the alterations and additions undertaken by Emil ...
Contemporary Australian oil painter whose landscapes focus specifically on Eucalypts. Studied Fine Art at the University of Sydney and painting at the Chelsea School of ...
Dorothy Roberts was one of the winners of the Australian Women Artists competition held in the annexe to the South Australian Court at the Franco-British ...