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Green, William Ellis, b. 1923
Prolific and popular mid 20th century Melbourne newspaper cartoonist. Green made his first artistic income painting Japanese flags while stationed in New Guinea during WW2. ...
Green, William Oliver, b. 1911
Mid 20th century wartime cartoonist, Green signed his work 'WOG' as per his initials.
Green, Gina
Tasmanian Aboriginal artist based on Flinders Island whose jewellery is created from natural materials found in the bush and on the beach.
Green, Miik, b. 1978
Contemporary sculptor born in 1978 in Perth, WA. In 2005 Green was commissioned to create a work for Arccon's boardroom in Perth.
Green, Charles H.
Green was a painter in oils who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts.
Green, David
Mixed media and textile artist
Green, T. Charles
T. Charles Green (Theraza Green) was one of the stars of the Patchs drag show in the early 80s. Her great numbers were a mix ...
Green, Jacky, b. 1953
Garawa artist and activist