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Brambila, Fernando, b. 1763
Artist appointed to the Spanish expedition(1789/1794) under Alejandro Malaspina. He painted views of the Sydney area during their stay in 1793.
Brewer, Henry, b. 1743
A sketcher and architect who arrived with the First Fleet. Nothing is known that is undoubtedly from Brewer's hand.
Butler, Daniel, b. 1772
Daniel Butler was aboard the First Fleet vessel, Prince of Wales, as a young 15-year old seaman.
Chapman, William Neate, b. 1773
Sketcher and public servant, Chapman was a family friend of first Governor Arthur Phillip but it was with Philip Gidley King that he first came ...
Clayton, Samuel, b. 1783
Portraitist, engraver, art teacher and silversmith born in Ireland. Transported to NSW, reputedly for forgery, he prospered in the colony.
Cockburn, James Pattison, b. 1779
Topographical painter, author and army officer born in New York, USA. Resident of England and Canada he visited NSW en route between the two. Dursing ...
Cook, Elizabeth, b. 1741
Embroiderer. Elizabeth Cook is best known to history as the wife of the renowned navigator-explorer Captain James Cook. Despite never joining her husband on his ...
Doody, John
Natural history painter and convict, lived on Norfolk Island 1791-1793. Some sixty ink, watercolour and pencil drawings of the flora of Norfolk Island and NSW ...
Doyle, Andrew, b. 1774
Andrew Doyle was a botanical artist, engraver, printer and farmer. He was convicted of having in his possession paper carrying the watermark of the Bank ...
Fowell, Newton Digby, b. 1768
Fowell joined the Royal Navy at 12 and arrived in Australia on the First Fleet. He made sketches of birds and Aboriginal weapons, none of ...
Fowkes, Francis, b.
A convict artist transported on the First Fleet, Fowkes is a candidate for identification as the 'Port Jackson Painter' and is best remembered for his ...
Gilray, James
Late 18th century British cartoonist whose work includes Australian-Pacific references.
Glover, John, b. 1767
Glover's direct experience of nature, both as a pioneer settler and painter, resulted in a fresh and vital approach to Australian painting. Subtleties of the ...
Hodges, William, b. 1744
Painter and sketcher, Hodges was born, educated and worked in London. From 1772-1775 he travelled the Pacific and to Norfolk Island as the official landscape ...
Hunter, John, b. 1737
Colonial NSW Governor, as well as watercolourist, sketcher, and naval officer. One of his drawings was the basis for the first published illustration of a ...
Ihle, J.
Illustrator, drew 'An exact Portrait of A Savage of Botany Bay', which was engraved by John Chapman and published in London on 15 February 1795. ...
Natural history painter, apparently executed drawings of 'Birds, Fish, Animals, Plants &c' for General Grose while Grose was Lieutenant-Governor of NSW in 1792-94. There is ...
King, Philip Gidley, b. 1758
King sailed with the First Fleet to Botany Bay in 1788. He established the settlement in Norfolk Island and later became governor of New South ...
Korneyev, Emel'yan, b. 1780
A member of a Russian expedition, Korneyev visited Sydney for three weeks in 1820. During the visit he sketched Sydney and its environs and accompanied ...
Lewin, John William, b. 1770
Colonial Sydney painter, art teacher and naturalist, was the first free artist to settle in New South Wales and attempted to make a living as ...